When ..

1) When i saw/heard something funny ..


2) When people ask me about my private life i'll just like ..


3) When i want something, i'll ..


4) When people smile at me, i'll ..


5) When i'm bored/not interested ..


6) When i watching a sad drama/movie





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1 and 5 are totally me!! though when i watch some sad movie I go all stiff and blank >.<
Hayaley #2
2, 4 and 6 is me. I'm a crybaby when it comes to sad movies. Just did that last night watching the final episode of "Roots of the Throne/Six Dragons "
I wished I had that much expressions. I have this resting face that I can't get out of. xD
Cute blog dearie
Haha number 1 is exactly like me but mark's gif is so cute..when i laugh like that people would say im ugly..so rude those people
Number six is me. For real xD
wow! i don't REALLY remember writing all these but this has got to be me!
YES THIS IS SO ME *high five*
Hahaha~ Love the photos you used to describe you. Different personality from mines but love your cute honesty!
ButterflyGarden2308 #10
This is interesthing but when I'm angry , bored/not interested sad , sleepy or happy. My face is always blank. I should use some gif to show how i feel.
seaspray #11
Same as me^^