Writing fanfiction and inspiration

It took me several years before I started to write fanfiction. I have always been writing stories but I like to develop my own characters. This is different since they are already there. You have to, more or less, be aware of their personalities and use this information when creating a storyline. This was the big issue. How to turn their personalities into a story that I can write. I have tried to write those romantic love stories but never seem to succeed. When it comes to violence, heartbreak, death and however, everything changes. And to turn a kpop idol into something like this without breaking that link to reality is really hard. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, that's life. But I have learned to never give up and that it's okay to change them a bit. I still have a long way to go before I can walk that thin line between reality and fiction but I'm getting there!
I got into fanfiction a while back. The first one seemed so bad that I threw it away. It felt weird to write an idol's name instead of something I came up with myself. Sure, I've used these guys as models for roleplaying characters before, but I have never used their names. This was a huge change and it took me a few fanfictions to get used to it, even though I still struggle with it from time to time it's getting easier. Most of the previous fanfictions are one shots that I didn't even save to my harddrive, some of them written on regular paper. Bulletproof is different however and the only one I feel like I can keep develop. The first chapters feel, in my opinion, kind of weird and I'm not proud of them, but I kept on going anyway and four chapters in, it feels better.

So what do I use for inspiration? It's very different. Depends much on the story. Mostly I'm using music videos and it doesn't even involve the idols I'm using. I pick pieces from different videos and put them together to form something of my own. It can also be a movie, a song or something completely different that gives my imagination a kick. When I feel that I have absolutely nothing to write I usually don't. It's no use to try and force something down just because I have to post.
BTS inspired me to start writing fanfiction. They would probably hate the things I make them do in my stories but what can I say, their songs are kind of violent and intense. And then there's the ... if they ever get their hands on my fanfictions and read those parts I will seriously move to some other planet.


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Hayaley #1
I've heard that some idols do read fanfics so uhm, they could probably have read it already. XD