
I have never written a blog on this website before, so I thought it was time to do so. I am in the middle of the first fanfic I have posted on this website, although it's not literally my first one. I decided to go with one of my favorite ships - Vkook. The funny part in this is that none of them is really my bias, although Kookie does his best as my official bias wrecker. Together with Jimin. You get the point.

I wanted to write an introduction to my work, tell you a little about who I am and what you can expect. If you have seen my first uploaded fanfiction Bulletproof, then you know that I'm a big fan of all boys in BTS. I have been following them since their debut and together with the group Topp Dogg, they make my life heaven and hell at the same time. I do listen to other groups though, been following EXO on the side since 2013 among others. B.A.P are close to my heart, they were the ones to introduce me to this world of Kpop... and hotness... and you know...

I want to talk a little bit about my fanfiction. I wanted to have a name that can be traced back to BTS. When I was sitting here, thinking, I was listening to We are Bulletproof. To keep it simple, I just named it Bulletproof. It has several meanings. The fanfiction start off with Jungkook and Taehyung in a relationship. They have been together for about six months when the story starts. The reader will be thrown into a world of burning love, chaos, heartbreaking drama and violence from the very first chapter. At this point, you just need to be 18 or older to read it since it has some -maybe- disturbing scenes. The story is written from Jungkook's point of view and right now I have no idea how long this fanfiction will be. The only thing I can say for certain is that it will be finished before closed.

The other thing I wanted to cover with this post is that I am planning a Special for my subscribers. It will be written from Taehyung's point of view before he met Jungkook. We already now that he was dating someone else and this is what the first special will be about. I will write a few specials before the story officially ends and they will be somewhat more intense than the rest of the story. I will do this because I am very happy that people actually subscribed to my work, which means a lot.

I am in the middle of writing another chapter, just wanted to get this out there. Thank you to those who have read the story, I'm working on a new chapter right now and it should be out soon. The next post will cover how I got into fanfiction writing and what inspired me to start writing Bulletproof.

xoxo, Kookmon


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