Kaistal dating sh!t

First thing in the morning, I read the news in my facebook newsfeed and laugh like a crazy person. I'm kinda sad but I'll just poop it all away..

It's good that I didn't breakdown. lol, I hope the other fans didnt


P.S: The title of this blog doesnt mean anything offensive or a way to insult Kai and Krystal's relationship. I'm just really cruel at the moment


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gingerbread124 #1
i think its okay for them to be together. i'm happy for them ._.
noeninie #2
Everybody need love, including Kai, if his happy, I'm happy too(it's a hard word to say hehe)
BlackPreal #3
First news I saw on my FB wall when I woke up... Why did I wake up??!
Iliveforyou #4
She is hot. He is hot. Both of my favorite idols date. What is this sorcery.