New Story coming right up! (title tba)

Ryu ki Ha, (33)
personality traits : 

neg; compulsive, blunt, fiery, aloof & assertive
pos; whimsical, intelligent, family-oriented, charismatic

description :
a whimsical guy that have his own amusing & appealing playful side of him. very much easy to get along with as everyone comfortable with him. He's an intelligent guy who pretty well work his off in his studies till he get himself a scholarship into yale university.  he's very much family oriented Although he's an adoptee to his parent, he love them so much that they're his priority before works come. He will make sure that his sundays are totally reserved for the ryu's family. He's also super charismatic that wherever he goes to, every ladies would turned around and start gawking, drooling and melting.  

Aside from his positiveness, in fact he changed drastically as he grew up that all his negativeness got worsen, he became more aloof, previously he hate smiling now he despise it. he often have this pain in his head whenever he force to remember his memory back which he lost in his twenties that he felt uptight easily. he also get fiery easily like everything always doesn't met his criteria that everyone in the office felt intimidated with him. since young, assertive have been part of his life just that this time, him being forceful and overconfident got others pissed off.
Min ha ri, (30)
personality traits :

neg; silly, clumsy, sensitive, pugnacious & fiery
pos;  empathetic, lovable, witty, smart & amiable

description :
Min ha ri, no doubt a smart one who goes crazy with books. she's a graduate student from harvard. She never failed to get a scholarship for her studies but most of the time she give it up for someone who need it more since she already come from a wealthy family. Despite her growing up with silver spoon, she's very much empathetic person who understand everyone hardship although she didn't felt before but she did try once which she have to survive a 3 months hardship without parent support while she in harvard. She's very amiable that she could get along with anyone even someone like han se ra, although han se ra to be honest just pretend to be close with her. she's so lovable that if she ever did a mistake, it's just so hard to get angry with cause it can see clearly on her face that she never meant it. she can be very witty too, also the reason why people can get comfortable with her easily.

She's a very silly and clumsy person, that's just her. people find her very amusing with that traits though. however, she's very sensitive that people have to mind their words very very close especially if it involve her family cause she can burst out crying when she felt a tinge of hurt within her. Due to her sensitiveness, she's slowly become fiery and pugnacious. She tends to stand up for other people and very quick in arguing. This always happen when ryu ki ha and his bluntness merged together. 
Han Se ra, (23)
personality traits : 

neg; conceited, arrogant, narcissitic, obsessive & pretentious
pos; daring, eloquent, passionate, popular & seraphic

description :
a beautiful and gorgeous 23 years old who always win everyone heart with her seraphic smile. their first impression have always been 'she's like an angel' but wait till she shows her real self that people intertwined their words by saying she's an angel in disguise! She's very popular wherever she goes since she's the daughter of a well-known chaebol, han sung jae which also the client of ryu ki woo. She very passionate when it comes to arts that she can come out few designs for the collections within a week that got others stupendous over it. She's also daring enough to do what it takes to get what she wants even if it will break other people heart.

Her beauty as well other people compliment got her being narcissitic as she like to compare herself with other beauty that comes after her. no one ever surpassed her beauty level until min ha ri make the appearance all the way from usa into the office as the new creative director in ryu corporation that she got intimidated. She was and never not once not arrogant to people. she knew she have fame, money and whatever others don't that she kind of show it off to people. She's super conceited that she's so overly exccessively proud of herself especially related to her art gallery. She can be obsessive and pretentious when it comes to Ryu ki ha, ever since she met him. She only targetted him that she won't let other ladies to get near him and she will do anything just to win his family but opposite things behind their back. 
Jo se hun, (25)
personality traits :

neg; opportunistic, possessive, selfish,  callous & fawning.
pos; kind, understanding, funny, well-rounded & observant.

description :
Sehun have always been seen as a good kid since he was small. Everyone around him will compliment him by saying he's a kind boy, who will do extra miles all the time even to the extend of sending an old man who have dementia to find his house. He's a very understanding guy who put up his family needs than himself. he knew his parent couldn't afford to send him overseas to study, he study hard to get a scholarship and even work extra after college to save an amounts he could survive at the country for at least 3 months. He's very funny person who like to joke around despite feeling unwell. to him, other people come first before him. he like to see other people happy in order for him to be happy. He's a well-rounded guy that could do anything and even willing to learn to do it. therefore he's accepted in Ryu corporation as the intern eventhough it was 30-70 ratio percentange to get in. he's quite observant in his environment that he knows well what to do and whats not to do. 

As years goes by, he felt that he had enough being nice to other people after he realised that they all think of him as pushover. He became opportunistic, when he sees there's opportunity, he grabbed it without thinking what comes after. like if he knows someone smoking in a non smoking ground, he quickly report to the higher up. He don't really care even if that someone that got caught could be his close one. to him as long he look perfect people eyes and especially his love one, he's fine with it. He's very possessive recently ever since he met min hari. he craved for attention and affection from her that he will try do anything to get her into his arm. he can be callous as he's very insensitive about his words like when he saw ryu ki ha tries to get near min ha ri, he can said, "if he ever dare to steal noona's attention from me, i will kill him". He can be extra fawning as he overly compliment min ha ri that at times she felt chills whenever she's around him. 


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