To anyone who is dealing with any sort of anxiety or depression (this is for you)

Hello friends,

I wanted to talk about something more personal today as I recently came to remember the time in which I had my first panic attack. I want to talk about anxiety and depression. I know, I know, it might seem like a bit of a cliché subject to talk about now but this is important to me and I'm sure to many other people who are going through the same thing. 

So, I just want to start off by telling you what not to do. Before you panic, please here me out. To anyone suffering from the mental issues I mentioned above or from any other kind of mental health problem, I don't want you to talk to someone about your problems (hold on stick with me here) if you don't feel comfortable doing so. Now, I'm not saying that talking to people about these issues doesn't help, because it does, but I understand exactly how hard it is to do so. 

When I was 13 years old my mom found me crying inside of my room one day. You're probably thinking, "okay? what does that mean?", well, I am the type of person that doesn't like to share my feelings with anyone including (ehem, especially) my parents. I don't like to speak about these things and when I do I let out very vague answers that don't necessarily reveal exactly what I'm feeling. Why? Because I'm afraid, uncomfortable, annoyed, etc. to do so. It actually physically pains me to do it. So, when my mom saw me crying I felt incredibly small and vulnerable. I felt like all the rough skin surrounding my body that had protected me for so many years had shed off and I was left to deal with the real world all by myself. 

My point here again is that you don't have to force yourself to do things you don't want to do in order to make yourself feel better. You will feel better, truly, but it takes time. You can't expect to let out all your feelings to a friend one day and suddenly have all those negative thoughts you were thinking magically disappear. Unfortunately, our minds don't work that way. Basically what I'm saying is, don't jump into things so quickly and expect everything to get better all at once.

However, my second rule here is that I don't want you to completely ignore your feelings. I know how it can be sometimes. You'll think "oh it'll go away" or "well other people go through this too" or "other people have it worse than me". Well, unless you have something like seasonal depression where every so often in the winter you start feeling a little gloomy and then it somehow subsides by the next month, often times, it doesn't go away. Often times, these feelings fester, they get worse. Please please do not do that to yourself, you know you shouldn't be doing that to yourself. Sure, other people go through the same thing everyday and yes, others may have it worse than you, but that doesn't make it hurt any less and that does not mean you should treat the importance of these feelings any less than theirs. Yes, it is important not to get ahead of yourself when you are going through treatment, but please don't pretend you aren't hurting either.

I want to finish this off by saying some things that you may or may not already know, but that do matter: You are worth it. You mean something and, believe it or not, you were put on this earth for a reason. You may not know what that is yet, but you don't really have to know, so don't worry anymore than you probably already are. Don't let anyone make you feel inferior, they're just stupid and probably have their own problems that they need to deal with themselves. I want you to be happy, but we both know that only you can do that. Don't push yourself, make lots of great friends, see the world (okay now I proably sound like your parents, I'm sorry), and have fun doing all of it.

I'm finding my own happiness one step at a time and I hope that you will too.



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Cri_kpop #1
I was about to cry while reading it, I actually can't really understand if I have depression, because sometimes I do feel happy, but... Yeah, would you mind if I PM you to talk? I don't really feel comfortable saying some things here...
I'm a little against your "don't force yourself, time will make it better" and maybe I just didn't read it well enough so I missed a point (very likely) but just like one can't expect it to disappear as soon as they let it all out, one cannot expect it to get better with time if they don't do anything for it.
Don't force yourself into a full-fledged panic attack, that's not what I mean. But one cannot stand in their comfort zone because no matter how depressing that comfort zone is, it's hella difficult to leave once it becomes a comfort zone. Ultimately don't let it become a comfort zone but if one suffers from depression and anxiety it already has become. One needs to force oneself out of the comfort zone slowly - time does not heal it unless one work towards it.
And I struggled through a personality disorder, depression, eating disordered thoughts and so much that turned out to be a part of my personality disorder (with a sprinkle of social anxiety according to my doctor), and I got misunderstood so badly by my parents. So I know how hard it is. Doesn't change the fact that one has to leave the comfort zone to get through it. And leaving one's comfort zone is forced, because it's doing something we find uncomfortable. Just do it slowly - it doesn't disappear in a day if you tell people but it won't disappear in 10 years either if you don't tell people.
And like I said - maybe I completely missed the point and in that case, good. (:
literally my life and social anxiety. The first time I told m parents my dad googled it and said he had it to. Then my mum just told me I was a diseased child so that didn't make me feel any better :/