Because why not?

Since you've woken up, how many words have you written story-wise?

Zero.  I've not even done my beta reading for today.  But once I've posted this, I will get onto finishing this chapter.  Only another 15 to go ...


How long have you been writing?

On and off for ... many years (I genuinely don't know, but it's at least 15.)


What is an effective writing environment for you?

I don't have one.  It depends entirely on my mood.


What are your deal breakers when it comes to fanfictions?

Mpreg, , gender switching, terrible stories.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't write them or you shouldn't like them, just I won't read them


What is your comfort zone when it comes to writing?

Fluff and romance.  And .


Which genre are you less experienced with?

Sci-fi, even though I wrote Catch Me If You Can.  And psychological stuff.


Do you research? If yes, what for and why?

Depends on how much I know about the topic.  Although mostly I do not.


What was the highest number of comments you've every received for a chapter? (This question is aimed at chaptered stories.)

For a chapter?  I think about three, and that was for the last chapter of a story.


What is your average number of comments per chapter?

0.3 or something?


Do you feel discouraged if your story lacks comments?

No, not at all.  I write my stories for me, and I share them becuase I want to share that universe with you.  Whatever you think about it is either welcomed or ignored, depending on how it benefits me, but I write it for me first.


What are your thoughts on bad/good reviews? Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers?

It depends on the intention of the review, really.  If it is bad as in wholly negative, then there needs to be a reason.  Someone once called CMIYC "boring" but that was because it's not her thing.  That's fine!  She enjoyed a part of it because that part was her thing.  Those comments should be taken with a pinch of salt.  But if it's bad as in just bashing, then it's not worth the time to read and should be dismissed.  As for finding them ... I just look for whoever will offer to review and try it out.  I don't have a strategy really.


What song describes you as a writer?

I don't have one.


If you became the next Stephen King or J.R.R Tolkein and you had to choose an actor/actress to play a version of you, who would it be?

I have absolutely no idea.


Last request: Drop some motivational quotes for other writers!

Write for yourself.  Don't worry if someone else doesn't read it or like it, write it because you love to write.  All else is secondary, because if you only write for other people, you start to hate writing and you will hate what you write and then everyone else will hate what you write too.


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I love the last answer.. Wonderful :)