Unsure about Posting

I have alother story that my co-author and I have in mind that we will get started on. And now we even have all the characters on the character list and all the special terms. It's an alien one with B2st and BtoB. The problem is........ we still have things we need to finish before we start it. I'm unsure if I should just post the forward/character list now and request a poster and character codes or if I should wait until we actually start writing that one to do those. *sigh*


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I think that the best idea is to wait until you have already started writing a draft or even an outline of the story u wanna write.
Because for example, you suddenly dont want to write the story and continue it, or what happens if you simply dont wabt to continue due to lack of ideas, the person you requested the poster and the people thats waiting for it woud be disappointed :/