Your thoughs on multi-fandom+ Tweets are now public!

Hi everyone! Speaking from the title itself, I wanna know your insights on having multi-fandoms. I've been seeing so many debates about this, but here's my take on the issue:

I'm not against it. 

In fact, I'm very much okay with it. The reason for this is because there are so many talented k-pop groups out there, and it would be a shame not to appreciate them. Some groups are difficult not to like. For me, the more, the merrier. Supporting hard work is a great thing, isn't it?

I used to be afraid of having other biases and other fandoms, but I slowly realized that diversity is key. In my opinion, being in other fandoms doesn't mean that you have loyalty issues. 

Initially, I was afraid to keep my tweets public because I was scared that people would start bashing me for being an EXO-L while being BTS trash. Hahahahaha, but it's 2016. 

My username on twitter is kyuhyunwifeyAFF. My name is Baekhyun's Traitor, and I have Jungkook as my picture.

So cheers everyone, toast to multifandom!

Also, also, do send in your opinions by tweeting me! Let's interact there for more Chanreum questions and other silly k-pop things!


One more thing! Today is #armyselcaday!!! Post your selcas, beautiful ARMYs <3


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chadael #1
Its no problem kyuhyun wifey, i
shinaej #2
I stan multi groups so obviously I am fine with it. You're right. There are just many idols / groups that are hard not to appreicate. God bless, Kyuhyunwifey <3
baekmilover2 #3
I have the same thoughts as you ....
Tell me about it. Whenever I say I like this group and that group too, they give me the stinky eye. For us, it might be okay but for them, it's like a huge sin to commit if you have multi fandoms.
Chears! XD I didn't even know people are against this. It's childish to say that you only like 1 group and that its the only good one. Obviously the world doesn't work like that. Lol
Each group its unique in its own way! So chears to that sister! ^^
Nobody tells me I can't be a multi-fandom fans. I mean,every idols have their own charms. Sometimes it even hard to resist new idols/group. What can we do when we are already attracted to them,right? haha. Man,the one who thinks they should be loyal to their own bias should get a life and open their eyes wide. Don't you agree?
avisdawn #7
Two wordsmto haters: grow up! Haha XD
I really appreciate groups :) they've trained for how many years an they all deserve where they stand because of their hard work :)
They deserve it because they've sweat for it :)
renripani #8
Multi-fandom is looove. Basically, loving Kpop in general is awesome. It's like being part of a one big family.
I don't have problems with it as I am in a multi-fandom too. And I also think that the more the merrier. Lol.
Since I don't have much social accounts and I rarely comment on YouTube, I don't have any issues of people accusing me of not being loyal to the fandom. I love a lot of idols like SNSD, Red Velvet, EXO, IU, 4 Minute etc...
Shouldn't people be more open-minded and expand their taste in music? Like if people keep listening to SNSD song's and don't want to associate with others, I personally think they would be missing out a lot. Plus, every group deserves some support for their hard work
I do listen to other artists' songs and actually like some songs and like one or two group members but I don't have the heart or like them enough to join their fandoms but I have nothing against multi fandom actually.
I am not too much invested in my own fandoms, so I might not understand the sentiment behind the "loyalty" to one fandom only, but I'd like to voice out my thoughts.

I think that it's each to their own; some people don't really have the energy/time to support more than a group, while others are actually pretty capable of supporting more than one group. Actually, the fact that some people are against the idea of being in more than one fandom is a bit...strange? Like, it's okay if they don't wanna stan another group, but I hope that they will not go "you traitor biATChsh!!" on people. Of course, this applies to some and not all them. The point is, just respect each other and stop forcing your view down everyone's throat--oh and by "you", I'm referring to all the fans.

It's okay to be "loyal", and it's also okay to be in multiple fandoms.

As long as people don't get obsessed, it is.

Have a good day, everyone!
I don't really see the point on arguing whether or not you're into multifandom . As long as you're happy with what your doing, why would people limit you. Smh. Personally, I can't support just one group. Like what you said, there's so much groups there that deserves the support.