I couldn't get to you.

Everything flew by so fast, I couldn't even turn my head to see where we were going. On this journey you started with taking my hand and leading me gently, but before I realised, you were already long gone. You were off the trails and escaping my sight, but I could hear you. You were screaming at me to hurry up and join you.

I can't, I can't. It's exhausting, asphyxiating. You're deafening me.

We began on a bright and happy morning but the initial fun, excitement, and wonder turned into confusion, fear, hostility as the sky faded into grainy shades of grey. 

You keep saying you'll wait for me to catch up, no matter how slowly I trudge. Why can't you just walk back to where I am? Is it really that dark out that you cannot see? Or is it that you're too focused on the end of the trail that the memory of your path has become muddled? I guess it doesn't matter because the truth is, I'll never find you again. 

I'll never catch up.

I've stopped walking.



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