There are people out there bashing Yixing because he will not be attending the N.America concerts; Yixing has been spending a lot of time in China due to filming and his dance studio. Some even went to the extend of claiming that Yixing is not part of EXO, and EXO is only OT8.

To those who said all these harmful words, please stop. Yixing does not deserve this. He is still a member of EXO and will always be. Just because he has been spending lesser time with EXO it doesn’t make him any much lesser of being an EXO member. The other eight members of EXO are understanding about this, so why can’t some of us do so as well? EXO-Ls are meant to support ALL EXO members in whatever they are doing, and not to do/say anything that would harm them in anyway ways.

To the other EXO-Ls out there standing up for Yixing, thank you so much. Let us all continue to support EXO as 9 of them and love them like we always do.

We will support you, Yixing! EXO and EXO-Ls, let’s love! ♡

因为艺兴需要待在中国拍戏以及打理他的舞室所以不能参加EXO在北美的演唱会。因此现在竟然有人在排斥他, 说他不是EXO的一份子, 并且胡乱称EXO是个8人组织。

恳请各位停止散播这些能伤害艺兴和EXO的留言。尽管艺兴最近与EXO相处的时间比往日少多了, 但这也不代表他不是EXO的成员。如果EXO的其他8位成员们都可以谅解艺兴的处境, 那为何身为EXO-L的我们也不可以一样做呢? 我们身为EXO-L的是应该无限支持所有9位的EXO成员们, 而不是说或做一些能伤到他们的任何事情。

对于其他一直在支持艺兴, 为艺兴出头的EXO-L们, 谢谢你们。非常感谢。让我们继续支持9个人的EXO, 继续爱着9个人的EXO.

艺兴我们支持你! EXO和EXO-L们, 我们爱吧! ♡


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Igivenosugas #1
I completely agree, Yixing has a lot going on, so he is obviously really busy, but why can't people understand that? You say you love EXO but you bash someone in it? That doesn't make sense! We real EXO-L are here supporting our little unicorn, so go ahead and bash because I'll be here giving him love!
Preach it this is so true. I hate when people are always so mean to him whereas he's doing his best for us, EXO-L. For those who claim that he's not part of EXO anymore you don't deserve to be an EXO-L, after all the hardships they went through, I can't believe people won't stop their bashing this is so annoying. I love and always will love Yixing, no matter what he's doing, he's a part of EXO and has proved enough that he's still with them and with us <3 FIGHTING YIXING WE ALL LOVE YOU!