shiningstarx 2nd BTS Giveaway

TL;DR giveaway entry about why I love BTS and where I would take them if they visit my country
hosted by taebi_

PICTURE - Favorite because you can see how close they are to each other in the picture. Honestly, BTS members always look so happy with each other, and I really like the way they balance each other out. Even during broadcasts, whenever one of the members look down or a little upset, the other members either subtly reassure the distraught member or go out of their way to cheer the member up. I've observed this a lot in their variety appearences (though it's normally not the focus of the scenes, just in the background if you look closely) and I find it really admirable, because their friendship definitely shines. I love how much they care for each other, and although Jin and Jungkook are dying, Hoseok looks like he's constipated, Yoongi is hidden, Taehyung is faceless, Jimin looks limp, and Namjoon looks like he's enjoying the heck out of squishing his bandmates (if I were him and bts replaced by my close friends, I would too) I love that the picture shows their close-knit friendship.

HOST - If BTS came to my country, where I would take them depends on their budget (LOL honestly Indonesia is huge it's more expensive to fly from one side to the other than go to Singapore) and how much time they had. Because they would probably choose to stay in West Java for practicality, the first place I would take them as they arive in the airport would be an Indonesian restaurant not in a mall, despite Jakarta being the mall, despite Jakarta being the mall capital of Indonesia. Their stay would probably be a fusion between sight-seeing and food, because Indonesian food is devine (not a biased opinion, it is). A short list of food types I'd bring them to eat:

  • Street food (Satay/Skewers, Martabak, Kue Cubit, Es Cincau, Soda Gembira (lit. trans. happy soda), Es Campur, Es Teler, and so much more)
  • Bakso Varieties
  • Soto Varieties
  • Rice Set Varieties (yes, rice has different flavors and they're all legit)
  • Gado-gado (basically Indonesian salad that vegetable-haters will love)
  • Krupuk (crackers in variety)
  • Nasi Padang (RENDANG)
  • Restoran Solo (good food)
  • Porriage (Indonesian porriage is amazing)
  • Pempek (fish ...)
  • Sop buntut (oxtail soup)
  • Siomay
  • Otak-otak (Jungkook actualy talked about how he wanted to eat this it's basically fish cake but it's amazing)
  • Indomie - best instant noodle ever

Yes, that is a short list. Food aside, I'd bring them on a sight-seeing tour around Indonesian natural wonders and a few mandmade marvels. I'd probably take them to the zoo (even though everything scares Hoseok) because Taman Safari is great because you can drive through the enclosures and have face-to-face (well, glass in between) encounters with both predators and prey, and there's a beautiful bird aviory and the place hosts different shows and they can feed penguins~ and take pictures with orangutans and ride elephants through the enclosures and ride camels and take pictures with tigers (sometimes albino) and lions (sometimes albino too) and it'll be great! Then I'll probably bring them to Borobudur during sunrise/sunset because that's when the sky is amazing and the silhouettes are absolutely great (and it'll be awesome if I could go there during golden light). The rest of the places would be places around Indonesia that Indonesians themselves may or may not be familiar with or visit often. List below (I've visited all the place above Rinjani, and I know that these places are amazing, and I'd love for the boys to visit them too):

  • Komodo Islands (and snorkeling around the reefs there - if you're lucky you can see seaturtles at the reefs or swimming by and dolphins - If they stay on a boat at night they can see the bat migrations and that's a jaw-dropping sight)
  • Belitung rock formations (I visited here twice, both times with my friends, and I enjoyed both amazingly well. Granted, you get really tan and sun-burned, but there's something that feels great about just sitting on the rocks and basking in the sun, talking about anything and everything that comes to mind. It really makes friendships feel strengthened + it's like a mini parkour course and that's really fun)
  • Laguna (Bali) to watch dolphins at sunrise (not many people come here, compared to the rest of Bali. It's a really beautiful place, though, just not a local-tourist hotspot.)
  • Kelimutu's tri-colored lakes
  • Edelweiss fields on mountains (various mountain tops have this, and I've visited two. Both times, I was tempted - and actually did - run through the fields with my arms opened wide because it feels absolutely amazing to breath in mountain air)
  • Jogja's alun-alun at night (for a taste of Indonesian festive night-life)
  • This water spot that's name I can't remember but the place is magical because it's extremely easy to go there but not many people choose to so it's like a small glimpse of heaven and basically you go through this ravine that starts waist-deep in water and you can literally see light and vegetation cascading from the ravine's cliff and you swim a short distance and cross this dry-river path and you when you reach the top there's this closed-off lake with it's own waterfall and everything becomes so serene and you don't ever want to leave the place because it's absolutely gorgeous and the water is cool against your skin even when it's scolding hot because the place is secluded between stone walls and you fell like everything in life is absolutely perfect (I love this place, if it isn't already obvious).
  • Rinjani
  • Ijen crater
  • Raja Ampat
  • Bromo
  • Kalimantan forest tour a friend told me about
  • Green canyon

There are so many more placed I'd love to bring them, but these are the ones that I think they'll enjoy the most off the top of my head. Going to all those places already take the good part of a month, so it really depends on their budget and time. The reason most all of those places are outdoors is because they've mostly lived the city life as trainees and musicians, and I'd like to give them a taste of nature because that's one of the best things Indonesia has to offer. And regardless of whom, I think that the members would really enjoy and appreciate the wonderlust these places quench, because all of them have a nuanse that simply reminds you that you're alive, and I think the boys would really enjoy that. Considering them, I know that they're all fit enough to visit these places, and I know that they'll enjoy it (Hoseok not so much in Komodo Island, because the komodos are flippin 2m long and look like they're out to eat you, but the memory would be unforgettable). If they want to avoid the physically-exerting visits (though the exertion is defintely worth the view) then I'd bring them to near-by places with their own lovely views or local places I enjoy visiting. But, yeah, if they visited my country, those are the places I would take them off the top of my head, and the food stops that I would love for them to experience (there's a reason Indonesia is renowned for its wildlife and sightseeing, and a reason we're part of the spice islands). I'm very passionate for BTS and my country so them together would be amazing.

Tiny Update - I mentioned how Hoseok is scared of a lot of things, but I honestly think that's in his favor. Everything he doed to defy his fears becomes ever-more touching and admirable. Like during the bungee jumping in RUN he was terribly scared, but he didnt't let it stop him from doing the jump for his fans and his friends. Although he's not my bias, Hoseok is my inspiration for facing my fears, because he doesn't let his fears define or limit him



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I hope you win ^0^