Wattpad Account [Branching Out & Rewriting Oldies but Goodies]

Hello, everyone! I'm just dropping by to let you all know I've decided to branch out! I will be posting some of my stories on WATTPAD! Exciting news for those of you who use/prefer the website! HOWEVER, I will not be posting my stories as asian fanfiction. A good number of my newer stories can endure some name changes without influencing the story's plot, characterization, style, etc. So the stories you see there will not reference any korean artists. 

I will also be rewriting THE SEERESS OF EXO on this account (with a different title)! I'll be doing a lot more than changing names and downsizing its 217,000+ word count. I'll be rewriting it from scratch! While the plot's key points will remain the same, I can assure you it'll feel like new! Winter break couldn't get here faster!

In the meantime, check out the stories I've posted there so far and make sure to follow me for updates!



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daedrey #1
Does this mean you're getting rid of The Seeress of Exo? Or just that you'll be making a new story that is super similar but not the same while keeping the original up? Hopefully the latter because I'm super behind on that story and I'd be really sad if it disappeared..