If you were an animal, what would you be?...

Ok, so in school, we had like a "Question and Answer" portion, y'know like those in pageants? The one where they give u a question then u have to answer as ...proper as u can.

So the tchr had like 10 papers with 40+ questions in it. The question that I chose is apparently the question u see as the title....i answered lion cos well....im violent i guess....and the boys, they rlly had to annoy me to no end cos i said lion, not lioness which is supposed to be the feminine word for lion....


Then i went home and i asked my brother the same thing.

You know what he answered?

"I want to be an...."

*awkward 5 minutes pause*

"....I want to be an...octopus."

I was like "Why?"

His reason was not what i thought it would be...

"Because I can slap 8 ppl all at once..."


I just cant stop laughing when he said that. He rlly has his sassy side hahaha xD

Oh well, thats all for today.

Im out bishes ~~~

- koreankimchibaby


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