Aboard people! This MinaChaeng ship is going full speed

Not kidding but minachae is really cute!!!!!!!!

Their love story start like this......

Once upon a time(which is by the way just few months ago), a girl called Myoui Mina, a very very quiet and shy and beautiful girl found her one true love and decided to share this good news with everyone in this world!!!!!!!

You might thought oh this is just some typical love story and all BUT she is loyal af!!!!!!!!! You won't believe this but they can ask all kind of question like who you want to date, who do think is the prettiest, cutest, most clever or who do you want to marry, her answer is always the same, it spells 'SON CHAEYOUNG'

Okay......... i'm calm down now, maybe not, oh my gosh, my hand is writing a fic again plsss stop i have enough fics to finish now!!!!

maybe one more won't hurt, or two, or three, maybe i should start another minachae shots...... okay okay i'll stop for real

If you ship them toooooooo, come on! I know we'll be the bestest friend(?) in the universe because one that stan chaeyoung or mina is an awesome person *coughMEcough*HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

im actually not fond of chaeng when twice debut im like who what is that

then she show her true face im like asdfghjkl tHIs Is noT acCepTable, she beyond pretty and cute and sweet and cool and everything gOOd in this world ANGEL JUST FALL FROM THE SKY!!!!!!! I THOUGHT MY MOM ToLD ME WE CAN'T REACH STAR BUT WHY DID THERE'S ONE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! cheesy but chaeng like it........


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Gaah I love them! I ship them <333333 mina in love with the cool kid! My bias is mina XD