Miracles in November

Hi guys. How are you doing?

This afternoon i had a statistic class. Before i arrived at campus, i had been thinkin of skipping class. Why? Because i had midtest last week and i believe i did messed up all the formulas. So, i thought of avoiding the lecturer. I feel so embarrased.

This time the lecturer came late. And BAMM! He said we would have to redo the exam. He said he was disappointed in us because the highest score was only 43 out of 100. That made me lowering my head more. After he distributed things, he checked the presence. When he called my name, he paused and looked at me intensely, in intimidating way then let out a sigh. Everyone seems to be nervous. Suddenly he approached my seat, said a few words that i didnt understand and asked if attended the last session. I told him i did but i didn't get to write all the notes and that i didn't get the handout that day.  He said a few words again about number. I didnt really catch it because i was too nervous. I couldnt even see him in the eye.

I continued my work.it was only four numbers but  I dont even know which formula to use in each.

Deeeng. Times over. We had to collect the paper. The teacher come to my desk again, handed me the result. "This is yours" and he left. I was really surprised to see the score! 43, that was mine. Only mine. I got the highest score in the class that i have no confidence at all. With the excitement, suddenly i heard words rushed into my head, the teacher's, i remember what he said in the beginning of class today , " you were the only one who got right at number one, and you only have to redo number three. Nothing else. Use your notes carefully. " i hope i will get a bit of addition to the score. I just want to pass that class. I dont even hope for an A. 

When i thought i'd get a big big zero, God let me know that my brain is still working.


Hehehe, a long post because i am really excited. I know we may not be too proud of ourselves, but i just want to enjoy the moment.

Have a good day!


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AhSongyi #1
ohhh~ that's nice! :D
congrats~ <3
that's quite motivating :) fighting 1
Messy grammar. Dont tell me that xD i know, i know.