Open Letter to the One I Once Loved

Am I assuming too much or am i just basing my speculations from facts that make me assume that something's building up between me and you?

Are stolen glances and sweet messages not enough? How about the late night conversations that lasted for months? How about those messages that made me feel precious, when you said sorry to me and you felt really guilty that you didn't stop asking for my forgiveness. The time when you walked up to talk to me and sat beside me in class. What about the times that me and my friend caught you staring at me and never kept your eyes off me. Especially how about that time when I was talking with our classmates and my friend caught you standing behind me and staring at me.You were quite surprised when she caught you and then you just left. How about the first time you messaged me? You were the one who messaged me - those messages that were undeniably sweet and really made my heart flutter.

When you said sweet dreams and hoped to see me in your dreams. The night when I went home a bit late and told me to take care. You also tried to scare me when I got home and I was the only one awake. The afternoon when I was alone at home and sent me an angel to guard me . When I woke up with your message because you wanted some attention then you jokingly told me to message later cause you were watching a movie and I was boggling your mind.

You patiently had a conversation with my friends when I messaged you and they grabbed the laptop from me. You told me to smile when I felt sad. The moment you were trying to joke around with your classmate when you saw that I was just around the corner.

That night when I gave you a special birthday surprise when we had our first ever real conversation. I looked at your eye and felt something's wrong but I shove the thought for you were smiling at me. I thought that would be the start.

Never knew that it would be the end of US. Never knew that I would find out that I was just some pastime of yours. Never knew that I would find out that you were committed to someone more than a year already when you told me you were single. Never knew that I would end up crying on my friend's shoulder when you are in her arms.

These memories with you still linger in my head, never letting go. Cause you once made me feel like my dreams were coming true but now you made me feel like a fool. That you and me that I would like to happen. But it was all just some bunch of lies-lies that were piled up. The 'you' that I believed to be was just a lie. Never thought someone whom I trusted,would do that to me.

Somehow,I would love to see you again and finally have a conversation with you. You've made a really great impact in my life but i know I met you for a reason. Meeting you made me wiser but I've lost trust in anyone who attempts to get close to me.

You're happy in her arms and I'm sincerely happy for you. I'm living my life too with the traces that you left me. As for now, I'll try to move on even if the flashbacks are haunting me.


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