Neona jalhae

I know that it is hard to listen to someone who has much different perspective or idea as yours as it is hard to tell a story and tell all the right terms you needed. Of course when you're those situations you're worried of some stuff like "What he says isn't based on fact anymore and he believes that his opinion is a fact" while he's telling his perspective about, let's say, animals or like, "They might correct me if my grammar is wrong or I made a mistake in what I'll talk about."



I know how hard it is for you to express your opinion without being judged or without believing your opinion is a fact. It's hard for Filipino children or people generally to convey their thought without being told to shut up. They would always be told to stay quiet or you're saying non-sense or they would pretend that you're too dumb, too young for them to listen on what you're talking about. 


It is hard. But maybe we could do things step by step and change the worlds little by little. I go throught those too. And I just did again, while I was typing this.


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