Wish Me Luck

So from two days from now, I have a competion to go to. Its for my hospitalty subject that I do from school and I am so so so so SUPER nervous >.< 

The competion is called World Skills and I think you can search it up.

My teacher is so excited and spent all day today training me.

I feel a little confident after the trainings, but still not too much :(

Wish Me Luck! <3

I hope I pass this round because if I do, I get to go to another city for the next round and its gonna be so much fun there >.< 


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All the best. You can do it ^_^
Good luck from one hospitality major to another :) 화이팅 !! ! What city are you going to be traveling to if your win if you dont mind me asking?
omg good luck!
waiting for your good news ^_^