I have a shadow man in my life?

It recently has been hiding away in my bathroom. I never use that bathroom tho cause its wide and long. The last time i went in was months ago. 


I the tap water and red liquid flows out. I freaked out. 


The first time the shadow man approached me was when i was like primary school kid. Im an night owl cause waiting for my dad.


I heard foot steps coming down and the stairs case is behind me. I heard it coming down from my current room. 


So i had to ran and passed by the stairs. I didnt bother to glance and run into my mom's room. 


She wasnt awake but still sleeping deeply. I hid under my blanket and take a peek at the door. 


Under the door revealed a shadow standing in front. I freaked out even more and force myself to sleep, hoping i will be alive. 






So that was my first time and the second time was when i was praying in the living room. I bowed down (for muslim prayer and its called "rukuk") and i glance behind me to see a half shadow. I widen my eyes and just focus on looking down. 


All i see and remember its black in colour and i only see half of its shadow. 




Then this year has been ..... Powerful?




I am now moved in the room i am atm. And i can feel it. Even near. It rolled my body with blanket and i couldnt move when i woke up. I had to shout for my mom. 


Visitors arent treated nicely by it. Whenever my friends sleepover in my house. The next day they will recover scars on their legs. 


One night ive seen it right before my eyes. And it is growing each day. 


I finally see its teeth. It was a tall skinny man height. 


Sometimes after tuition it will stand in front of my house. I had to run passed it. When i looked out the window, I can see it still standing there.


Days passed and its still there. It didnt bother to go in my room ever. But then it came back. 


The presence of it gets powerful. But now it decided to stay in the bathroom? 


The last time I had sleepover, she and I stayed up late then suddenly the bathroom door opened and we both got shocked. I told her that the door has been locked. 


We both tried to sleep then the next day, I checked it out and the lock was now loosen. 


Then I go down and sit on my old favorite couch. But something was odd about it. I felt the fabric has been ripped off and I look at it. I has five claws. 


I took a picture and posted to my friends. I still have the evidence and if you like. You can pm me through Skype, Facebook, insta or whats app if you're that interested in this shadow man. 



A week ago, I took my guitar and practiced a bit then the other guitar in the next room of mine, played too. 


The same chord I played. I stopped and keep my guitar immediately. 


So... What do you think of my shadow man?


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can i see the pic?