Weight Loss Journey & How to live Healthy

Hello there!

Thanks for taking an interest in my story! I am really excited to share with you my experiences with weight loss, and in the rest of this blog I will share with you some of the best tips and rules I have compiled through the past 6 months of my diet.


So first, before I launch into stuff about what to do and what not to do, I just need to explain my situation briefly, and tell you about where I've been.

Starting in around June of last year, I started noticing drastic hair loss. Every time I took a shower, clumps of hair would just fall and gather in the shower drains. At first I didn't think much of it - June in New Zealand is winter, so naturally less sunlight exposure means less healthy hair/nails, right?

Wrong: after 10 months of passively waiting for my hair to grow back, I finally went to my doctor in April this year, and got a series of blood tests done. Something like 7 tubes of blood samples later, I was told I had serious deficiencies in this and that, and very likely suffered from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Basically, my ovaries weren't very healthy, and in order to clear out my system I needed to start eating clean and exercising regularly. Otherwise, I could suffer infertility in the near future.

So then with nervousness, I booked a session with a dietitian recommended by my doctor. I didn't really know what she could do for me, because it felt like either way I was going to die with a rotten uterus anyway (melodramatic, now that I look back), but I still went because my mother pushed me to cling onto any advice thrown my way.


This month is my 6th month after following her guides, and along the way I've discovered some useful tips for people dieting. I've managed to go from 82kg to 72kg, thus why I am sharing with you now how I got to my -10kg milestone. So if you suffer from PCOS too, heads up! Because it's not all over yet! If you're just going through puberty and your body feels gross, or your hormones are often a bit crazy, or you just want to change the way you look/live, read on, and hopefully this will give you a few goals to work towards.

DISCLAIMER: I live an incredibly sedentary lifestyle, and due to pcos I am also pre-diabetic and must snack constantly to keep my sugar levels consistent. You should at least aim between 1100-1600 calories per day, depending on your height, weight and lifestyle.

In no way am I a trained doctor or dietitian or fitness trainer. This is simply my weight journey and see it as a diary rather than an instruction manual. In other words, take the advice with a grain of salt. If you think you know better/want to add something, comment politely thank you.


So this idea of detoxication is actually quite popular at the moment (thankfully) because as living standards rise around the world, people begin to realise the harm processed and packaged food can do to the environment and their own bodies. Generally, you want to eliminate all snacks high in sodium, saturated fat, and sugar. Carbohydrates (that's noodles, rice, pasta, bread, potatoes) are also bad for those wanting to shed pounds, because although it's a great source of energy like sugar, it's easily built up if you live a sedentary office/school life like most people in the city these days.

My typical day (the 3 main meals) you can switch these around depending on your timetable, eg. if you live in a country with higher temperatures you will need more calories and I would recommend fruits for breakfast. If you live in a cold country you'll probably naturally consume more meat, nuts, dried produce etc.

Breakfast - 1 egg (poached, boiled, whatever). Cook in small pot (or prepare heaps in one go and microwave 1 serving each morning) 2 tablespoons oatmeal, 200ml milk/milk powder, a handful of beans/lentils. Drink within 2 hours of waking up.

Lunch - Anything. Try to stuff yourself with leafy green, red meats, fish...generally things high in protein and fibre. I don't really limit myself much for lunch, because in the afternoon I usually hit the gym and I need the energy. Just make sure you don't eat more than 450 calories and you're feeling FULL not BLOATED.

Dinner - 2 pieces of fruit, preferably apples and GREEN kiwifruits, not golden (too sweet!). 200g of greek, unsweetened yoghurt. Mixed together as fruit salad. If you have fresh berries throw in a handful of those too. Have anything else you want, as long as it's not sugary or carbohydrate-based.

For snacks I either take a handful of nuts or some crunchy vegetables/fruits.

So I limit my sugar intake in a day to under 30g and they're pretty much all natural sugars. Carbohydrates under 150g, and fat around 40g. Lunch I don't try to eat less, because you want to make sure you get enough fat and protein to not feel hungry for at least 2-3 hours. Olive oil is a blessing, and you'd rather drench your salads in oil than eat a whole bowl of pasta. Carbs are just unfriendly. If your stomach is constantly growling, then trust me your body is not going to keep the weight off even if you manage to lose it for a few weeks. So don't stave yourself.



Okay everyone knows starvation is not the way to lose weight healthily, right?

For people like me that suffer from hormonal problems, you want to do some fast, aerobic exercises that tire you easily. Try to get your heart rate up, and don't sit back down until you've at least soaked through your underwear (heh sorry that's a bit gross to imagine, but it's true).

You should aim to gain a little bit of muscle mass, but because girls tend to not want to look too buff, you don't need to lift weights for hours on end. Don't train your muscles without sweating first. If you don't mind being a bit more toned and stronger, then do some squats and sit-ups to train thigh and abdomen muscles AFTER you've done some cardio stuff. Arm muscles are the small muscles in your body, so training your biceps doesn't burn as much fat as thigh/abs.

My typical workout:

Jogging 9.2km/h for 2 to 3km (roughly 15~20mins)

Walking uphill at level 3 or 4 (I assume treadmills are the same with this setting) for 500m

Bicycle to cool off, usually aiming for at least 10 mins


Last but not least, SLEEP. Try to sleep before 11pm, and if that's too early, then at least before midnight. Sleep for at least 6 hours. If you can, aim for 7 or 8 or even 9. Ideally you should have 12~14 hours between dinner and breakfast, so I usually eat dinner at 7pm, sleep at 11.30, wake up at 8am, and eat again at 9am. Make sure you eat at least 3 hours but preferably 4 hours before sleeping, and eat within 2 hours of waking up before your body goes into starvation mode.

Because of my condition, not only do I need to lose weight, but I have an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, not only are the above tips good for people trying to lose weight, it's actually the best guide towards what a healthy lifestyle should look like. If you've got the guts, then try working towards it. In terms of cost, I am spending around an extra $10 a week, because even though I'm buying fresh produce which is generally more expensive than packaged stuff, I'm also eating LESS so it balances out.

That's all from me for now, feel free to leave comment and questions!



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Coming from someone who works out often, you shouldn't do strength training after cardio. Cardio is generally inefficient in a sense that it burns calories well and takes up the glucose in your blood. This is why you won't have any strength left for strength training and therefore results won't be effective when you do it. Always leave cardio for later. Better yet, do them on different days.

And it's a misconception. Girls dont get buff from strength training. Toned yes, but buff is hard because we lack testosterone in the first place. So feel free to do a variety of exercises. Don't just stick with sit ups and squats. Try v crunches, leg raises, leg drops, planks etc. Your body gets accustomed to the exercise so rmb to switch it up occasionally!! And if you're training your heart, do high intensity intervals :)

If you don't have the time, I'd recommend xhit on youtube. They post videos like 10min abs, 10min cardio etc.

If you want to lose weight, my suggestion is to not look at the scale but at how your body changes. Not just physically, but mentally. Use goals like climbing up stairs without feeling exhausted. Goal is not to lose weight but live healthily with a strong body :)
Gkarthik #2
Omg you and I both live in NZ and we both have problems with our weight!!!!!
I always do plans but give up early. I should be more motivated.
Just like you, I want to loose weight. I'm 66 kg right now, with 1.59 of height. I used to be 59 kg but in a year I gained that much weight, I still don't understand how. Until August, I was 69. But I went to London and visited it by foot... it was tiring and damn painful for my feet but I managed to loose 3 kgs and didn't gain it back even after eating so much desserts after, on vacations TT
This is just talk... What I wanted to ask you was.. I didn't know of that 'sickness' and I'm getting a bit anxious/worried. I have a cyst in my ovaries... it was on the right one and now it disappeared and moved to the left side.. I was worried about fertility but my doctor said it was okay and I didn't have to worry... on that side is okay... I, like you, loose a lot of hair daily speaking. I don't even move and suddenly there are hairs everywhere.. on the bath is the same.. but I never notice the lack of it because I do have a lot.. My hairdresser said it was normal (but it happens every month, tho). How did you discover? Did you mention or you saw your hair was not growing up? Do you need any specific examination? I did analysis and such (normal blood sample to check up health) and no one told me anything... iur speaking about that sample?
So, you don't have dinner? My friend only eats a soup on that time. I tried to do so but my mother and grandmother annoys me, saying I shouldn't or I could get a serious problem like anemia (which my mother had).
Hello there! I want to ask a question, what if I don't have time to exercise? Because I have school and I reach home at 8 and because I am a design student, I have plenty of schoolwork/projects that would last me till 1am or even no sleep at all. How am I going to lose weight :(
gumho_starlight #5
I have PCOS , i found out last year , i started taking birth control , to even out my hormones and get rid of my acne , and then i take anti biotics for my acne , the worst part of pcos is that it makes you have a higher testosterone , im a runner since the 7th grade and i have so much muscle , and when i got on birth control it was even harder to loose weight all i gained was still muscle but a little less, during cross country season all i did was run and sleep sigh and i still couldnt loose weight
Like it~~ I searched up PCOS and... I don't know what to do... I have the symptoms.... *FRIGHTEN FACE*
BeeTeeEs #7
Wow wow wow!! I'm really happy for you and really proud that you could change your looks in a health way! I've always been chubby but no one ever talked about it to me or ever bullied me. Only mom would try to get me skinnier and I sometimes cried because of her. Two years ago I was the fattest than I could believe and I never noticed until I compared my body to my friends' in pictures. Last year I actually didn't do anything about it but I lost some weight until I was 94 kg. After going to the gym for a month I was 92kg and I was reeeally happy about it and thought that it was enough for me. But then I realised that even the largest clothes in my country are still tight on me and being broad didn't help. So I went dieting and I'm now 88 kg and I could get clothes now -even if it's the largest size- and then everyone in my university friends look at me strangely when I say I was to lose some more weight saying that I'm perfect like that. Tho I want to reach my target which is 80 kg :") I'm 182 cm if anyone is confused about these numbers :3
fighting author nim!! and get well soon:)
-kimmyeons #9
Idk if I did has PCOS or whatever it is but I do have a massive hair loss over the years. Two years ago, I got slightly bald but my hair grow again and when I take a shower it'll just gone and be thin. And then it'll grow back and it'll be thick as fug. My hormones are so unstable I hate it soooo much. Because it gives me too much acne and moodswings which includes I love myself and then I hate myself. And I am not overweight but I am chubby as fug.
Yuekei #10
how do you know how much calories are there in your food?
ok so i commented on your story and now im commenting on this so i hope i dont sound creepy or anything but yeah, weight is a big issue on my mind right now. I know someone really close with PCOS as well (my sister in fact) so yeah, I somewhat felt more intrigued to read this to find more ways to improve myself and also to help my sister. thanks for posting this yet again. Have you thought of posting videos or something on YouTube? I know that a lot of people, young girls especially, feel self conscious about their weight and i know that posting videos that are weight loss tips or 'work out with me' videos that show a person who loses weight along the way would be so cool. But congratulations on losing 10kg! That is awesome and I hope that your health improves a lot! Thanks again and sorry for the long comment haha
I will start jogging after i exam which is tomorrow! I really hope its not just a 'promise' i make for myself bcuz i really love to broke my promise i make to myself aspecially something about food . Uhh . Now im a girl with weight 63 kg with high .. Around 160? I dont really remember my high >< . I miss my old body >< .I was so slim before but after i finish my final exam before going to high school , my weigh .. Its increase .. Maybe im too happy i finally finish my final exam without thinking bout my eating habits . Besides im a hostel student and we always feel hungry --" its a mystery and i still dont know why hostel student always hungry . Haha . And besides i have leg problem . Not leg .. My toes :( i was a hyperactive girl before . I really love sport but not i still love it but i cant join anymore bcuz my leg problem .. Im sooo sad!! Waaaaaaaaaa