I actually don't know what the purpose of blogging is in AFF. And I definitely do not have the time to actually browse around cause I have a MAJOR exam tomorrow. But to all who doesn't know: BLONDE RI IS BACK! And Tumblr is going crazy. I havent' checked Twitter and Insta yet but I'm sure it's crazy. And today just has so many news. :o

First, I just found out that both Bae and Ri have the whistle necklace and that Ri wore it back to Seoul from Taiwan. After a weeks of absence? Very fishy. 

Second, Blonde Ri! And the glorious selca with Top. TopRi in the plane together, both being blonde just made my heart go *badump badump badump* <3

Third, JiKo never broke up? I still dunno how I feel about this. I'm a GRi shipper but to be honest I started respecting Kiko. On one hand, if GRi is not real, then I'm happy for Ji. On the other hand, it does create a dent on my ship. But at the end of the day, whatever their relationship is, GRi is real. They will always be special towards each other. <3 

Fourth, BaeRi moments in the airport. Bae almost hugging Ri and Ri holding his hand when it went near his chest. I just dig BaeRi even if I know Bae is already taken. It's just a ship that's I associate with comfort and nostalgia <3

Fifth, GRi moment in airport where they were both sitting at the floor and laughing at each other and then they stood up together. xD

Sixth, the girl Ri was holding hands with in the pics in the news was actually his Chinese teacher. @_@ That's a relief. They're really close and she's really touchy not only with him. But why do they keep on insisting that Ri is a player by insinuating that he went to a car full of girls right after? >.< Well, even if it were true, I'd still love Seungri cause it's him and I love him from the topmost strand of his hair to the minutest cell in his foot (weird description.. but I'm weird). xD


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maryfemme #1
What?? Jiko never broke up????