Another Yang Yang Post XD -- Extra Scenes from 'Divas Hit The Road 2' [Eng Sub]

*Honestly, at this point, friends, please feel free to unfriend me if you're getting annoyed with my frequent blog posts about eye candies or whatever the heck I'm currently obsessed about.  XD  I won't take any offense at all.  I've come to realize that I've probably been blogging way too much on AFF these days (it's a good stress reliever...kinda like pc gaming for guys and also doesn't require as much brain power as writing stories ^^") and most of my blog posts are not even K-pop related so most of you probably don't even know who I'm talking about.  Thus, most likely my blog posts would only serve to annoy you with notifications, and I'm really sorry about that!  >____<"  Though, I'll probably continue to write blog posts about non K-pop stuff in the foreseeable future (mostly C-pop related).  XD  So yea, please take me off your friends list if you have to.  ^^"


Just 11 episodes of Divas Hit The Road 2 aren't enough to satisfy my fascination with Yang Yang's cute, narcissistic personality.  So, I started watching some of the bonus scenes of the reality travel show on YouTube.  XD

**Oh yea, the following couple of videos are about 10 minutes long each and MIGHT only be viewable on computers (not on phones):

First video here mainly shows how Yang Yang would make a girl wait.  XD

And here, the girls gossip behind Yang Yang & Jing Boran's backs as the two roommates mind about their business as usual (love Yang Yang & Jing Boran's interactions!!  >///<).


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Do you know where I can watch the full episodes with English subs??
hmmm how did you watch Divas hit the road 2? with or without eng subs?