A Question about your dreams

i have one little question which i am soooooo curious about, sometimes when im dreaming and there are kpop stars in my dream they obviously speak Korean (well most of them)right? Well when im dreaming they speak a language which I can’t remember being Korean or English but I understand everything that they’re saying. I don’t know Korean, only a few words but somehow I know what they’re saying. It’s weird because I don’t know the language but I understand it… it’s really hard to explain. Sometimes it even happens when I’m daydreaming and it really confuses me on how this is happening. So my question is do you get this too? I’m sure I can’t be the only one. Please tell me about your experiences, I’m really curious.


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amanda_m_mercado #1
I totally understand XD but it's just a mind trick 0-0
Yes, I can totally understand you. I know Korean, but I'm not that fluent. I've experienced this for quite many times already actually, and it is just the same as yours. It just like in that dream, I suddenly become so fluent in Korean that I can talk without any struggle or difficulties. It seems like you just can understand everything they said even though in reality you don't know anything about the language. And when you woke up, you will be like "what's with the dream that I just had? how can I dreaming about that?". Know what I'm sayin'? And through all of these dreams that I ever experienced, the oddest thing for me is that everything that I do, every actions, skinship and what-so-ever that happened in that dream feels so real. Like I can actually feel myself talking, laughing, running, walking, touching and everything in my sleeping state. It's weird right? Have you ever experienced that?