Sombody please help me

Ok so there was this taeny fic I read but can't seem to find anymore I don't even remember what it was called.... So tiffany is a business woman who is friends with yoonhyun couple who is taeyeons boss ... They give taeyeon to tiffany as a birthday gift tiffany had no idea and walk into her room with a taeyeon wrapped in pink ribbon and blindfolded ... Only line I remember is tae saying "I'm here to be your " anyone have any idea or clue on what story I'm talking about???






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Fujinolover's My Baby :)
xui-jin #2
Everytime i read about taeny fanfic..taeyoen always be a bisness women,lady boss, and yeah , sometimes. but
I never tough there was a line likes this...
erghh i gonna seacrh back the story...