Gossip [ I need your help! ]

♥ Hey guys! 


So I'm taking a sociology course this summer at a community college - if you don't know what sociology is, it's an area of science that studies social environments as well as human relationships and how they affect the individual in a group of people - and one of the assignments is a 10~20 page paper on an issue that surrounds today's society. Because I'm one of the few high school students in my class, I thought I should bring something youthful to the classroom, to research about something that is relevant to both my teenage social environment and the bigger society that surrounds us. The topic I chose? The sociology behind the topic of things we talk about with our friends and the people we are close to. Put simply, I am researching about gossip.


Now here is where you come in. Because I'm just one teenager in a tiny community of Korean-Americans in a tiny part of Los Angeles with a high population of people with similar racial backgrounds as me, there's only so much I know about the things other teenagers and young adults gossip about. It's rather difficult for me to travel to different parts of my city let alone my state and country to listen in on the conversational topics of my age group, so I wanted to reach out to this community to ask about the kind of gossip you hear most often in your social environments, be it celebrity gossip or gossip about people in your personal life. So here is my question to you: What kind of gossip are you or the people you know an active part of, and what kind of gossip often sounds most "shocking" to you? Is it news of homoual behavior amongst your peers? Simply ual behaviors? Celebrity dating scandals? Maybe it's even news of violence; whatever it is, please let me know in the comments below!


If you feel uncomfortable sharing these things under your username, you are always free to anonymously message me through my tumblr or my ask.fm. Thank you for reading if you did! Your voice means a lot 



EDIT: I've just created a survey if you guys are interested in sharing your inputs! I'd be so grateful if you could fill it out~




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carelessLISPer #1
Filled it out already~ And to help you more. I'd have to say the positive tends to get covered by the negative ones. People like the negative gossip better because its something to really talk about. It sticks more than the good gossip. I guess it makes people feel better when they can criticize other people because it is not them :0 aaaand we like to be in the know always and bad gossip is one way to fit in I guess. Sorry its bordering psychology now
I filled the thing
The gossip that goes around my school (shocking considering my age) is about people two-timing, overdosing on drugs at parties, that one girl who's parents made her stay at home for a week because she was caught giving a to a guy in the cinema (that and her parents found her partial-nudes). That type of gossip. So like just ual behaviours, dating news, drug news and etc.
you're in huge luck! i live in the same area as you and a high schooler. if you're doing gossip start with the general meaning with what gossip people think it is aka perez hilton and his blog and his celebrities. gossip is talk about details that aren't confirmed true. based off of that, i would like to say the mike brown case, as that was a piece of gossip during the school season. (i might come off as a bit insensitive at this point and for that i'm sorry) people were spreading rumors and of the such that mike was a bad kid and that he threatened the police while others go and lean towards his personality and how he himself was an angel. people weren't there themselves and were spreading gossip left and right about what happened and the so-called "details" about the shooting. ((basically sociology itself lol. i would say more but i'm taking a psychology class not socio over the summer as well)) it's a case that blew up in proportion as there were probably more black killings in america or all around the world and didn't get a chance to be in the news.

otherwise gossip can vary from people to people and social media influences that. (((sorry this was long and sounded like i was instructing you how to write your essay)))
Well, I guess the kind of gossip I usually hear nowadays is celebrity gossip (k-pop related things). But back in school, I heard a lot of gossip about my classmates. Usually most of them are like someone got expelled because they did something they shouldn't or someone got with someone... the usual stuff I guess.

Do you need more details???????????