[S] Stay With Me

[s] stay with me


Title : Stay With Me

Author : LauLau95

Story views : 730

Story subscribers : 94

Story upvotes : 4

Genre : Romance, comedy

Story length : Chaptered

Status : On-going

Characters : Byun Yunmi (You), Park Chanyeol, Oh Sehun

Story summary : Byun Yunmi is the girl of infamous singers Byun Baekhyun and Park Sohee. As she grew up, she developed this passion for show business. The same as her parents. The only thing is her passion isn't music but acting. As her parents suggested, she entered Bucheon Arts School and followed the family path her parents took before her.

Along with her best friend, Chanyeol, who is officially the biggest player the school has ever known, she tries to survive the difficulties of being an acting student may provide. Untill, a contest saves her life. Not any contest. The winer of this acting contest will get the chance to play in the next drama with popular actor Oh Sehun. Every girl's dream man.

What whill happen to Yunmi if she gets the part? Will she get along with her favourite idol? Will she lose her long-time friendship with CHanyeol? She learnt a long time ago that show business is a hard world but never would she imagine things to happen this way.

Author(s) message to reader : This is a sequel to my previous story, Love Me Like You Do. This is the story of their daughter so if you want you can go check the other one beforehand :)

You can also just read this one and you should be able to follow perfectly.

author's note


Strongly suggest you to visit this awesome story!


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