Not cool...

So, it has come to my attnetion that someone ( I will not be posting any names or such) has copied my work and posted it to another website, and claimed that it was theirs. Now, I understand that most of the stories everyone comes across shows some similiarities, but since when is it cool to copy every...single..word, all the way down to the mistakes? (And they didn't have sense enough to try and come up with another title). 

To say that I am upset isn't completely the right term.

I am PISSED.  I've worked pretty hard on that story. Each chapter was harder to post than the last as it was progressing. Yes, it had some (or a lot) of grammtical mistakes. Yes, it had some misspellings. But, still it was something I was happy about because I love to write,and  I love to share my little stories with the world and be able to entertain someone with my fics.

So, for that person to take what I busted my tail over for the past almost 7 months on kills all my vibes to continue, knowing that if I post up the next chapter, they're taking that as well.

But, I am not stressing out over this (that much). Never Knew I Needed will be back, but not as it was before. I see this as an opportunity to do what I've planned on doing AFTER I finished it. I'm mkaing it better; making the characters will be more in depth, give them a bit more history and a bit more life rather saying 'Huh' and 'Oh' and all that small stuff. The plot is going to be better, storyline and timing is going to be way more precise. 

In a way, this is both a blessing and a heartbreak.

I am so sorry to those who have subscribed, left me wonderful comments, and was waiting for the next chapter to post up. I had your backs, and I was ready to post it up, but after being informed by my sister that someone has stolen my work, it just..didn't feel right thing to do. It ruined it for you, and it definitely ruined it for me. 

And if the person who has stolen my work is reading this, all I have to say is what you did was a move. And I hope you have enough creativity to finish what you have 'started', because there ain't freebies coming out of this camp. 

Again, I am sorry to all my readers. And I promise you that there will be a Dok/OC pairing, and could possibly turn into an Illionaire triology depending on what happens. -shrugs- Who knows?


Peace, Love, and Happiness




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Set it on subs only & mark the option tht wont let them copy & paste
In respect this and people who plagiarize should be lined up and slapped.