My Babbles :3 280515

I already write this on some of my stories, so I just copy it here, Iguess.


These days, I really feel like I'm lacking of cinfidence. I'm aware that my writing skill was far from good and somehow I'm amazed on you guys that could bear with it, because when I reread my stories it's just a big no. Haha.


Uhm, I don't know why I choose this story to tell this things, I just feel like it, though it isn't my greatest story among my own stories.I did give a best shot on this, but it isn't the most popular one. So this is my wish, Could you guys give me feedback as a comment? You don't need to flater me, I just need some improvements so I ask you this. You can send me via PM. You can tell me such as my grammar, motivations, advices on how I could improve my skill, etc :)


Thank you for my readers :D


You can add me via LINE as well! :D [id:sweetiegeek]


Lastly, I want to ask your opinion. I'm planning on making one-shots based on song's lyrics. Should I put it into one story, or just seperate them? Or should I create the masterlist? But it's not like I have many stories though...


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