Help? Please???

Hey guys, Siblings here! As you know, I'm all better now, and in celebration...I made an account! On tvtropes!


There are a lot of cool things there, and the main thing that I focused on - of course - was Kpop! I saw the page for DBSK, and found it quite...lacking. It covered a lot of the drama, but not enough of the fun stuff. So...I decided to add more to it.


I've already added quite a lot to it - understatement of the century - but I still feel it's lacking just a bit. I made a character page for them too, since they didn't have one, but my mind is kinda filled with OTP stuff right now, and I'm afraid I'll be giving new fans the wrong idea if I keep referencing a lot of YunJae moments there.


SO! I need your guys' help! To those that are DBSK fans as well, and knows a lot about them, go on here right now and put as much info as you can! And explore the site as well - just so you know, it's kinda addicting.


Good luck! XD




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D: :D ^_^ Lol