Exo ....

So who's heard about the exo Tokyo dome thing? People are just so rude now a days .... Its like telling them to not put there hand and fire but they do it anyway ... Like I'm I understand some people hate the out of exo but do you actually think saying "go die" or "we hate you" are going to stop them from making money? Because news flash there still going to look way better than some people and end up stealing tour boyfriends or girlfriends ... Like I'm not even there fan and I find this messed up .... After call me baby .... History... And overdose I like them a lot more then before hell I'm close to shipping baekyeon ok maybe not that far but still .. How bout all you hating s grow the up .. I'm pretty sure half of you are in your late 20s still living with your parents eating McDonald's on a couch ..... 


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So serious.
Reemsi #2
Honestly though all those saying that they must die are screwed up and need help, but some people had point. Though, Exo have proved their worth in the Korean and Chinese markets, they haven't released any Japanese songs, so them getting to perform at the Tokyo Dome is kinda...well...weird maybe! Tokyo dome is like the Madison Square of Japan where even quite a well know group of artists don't get the chance to perform, while Exo getting that chance so easily without even releasing a Japanese single is kinda upsetting, specially for fans of those groups who have been working hard in the Japanese market for long and yet couldn't get the opportunity