death parade's enDING

death parade's ending ed me up like really all i feel like doing now is reconsider my life choices because ain't death parade so fcking emotional and did i mentioned dEEP chiyuki was reincarnated in the end so that was kinda sad :( but hey girl deserved that because she was so beautiful when she was still alive poor decim though he lost his assistant and possible love interest!! but at least he felt human emotions for once so that made up for those things i guess (NOT REALLY I WANT DECIM TO BE A HUMAN AND BE CHIYUKI'S SOULMATE IDC WHAT YOU THINK THEY DESERVE TO LIVE HAPPILY THESE TWO IDIOTS THAT I ADORE))


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hota-rubi #1
HOLY waaaaah why did I click this even after knowing that there's going to be spoiler? gah I stopped at around ep 8 cause I am not patient enough to wait for one week just for one episode. So I decided to wait till the whole series is done then start watching. YESH imma go watch it now. damn that anime is so deep and it makes you think and decipher it yourself