Camp NaNoWriMo

It's that magical time of year when people start setting their goals for Camp NaNoWriMo.

If you're not familiar with it, Camp NaNo is basically the same as NaNoWriMo. The only differences are that it takes place in April instead of November, and you set your own goals.

And, as you probably already know, I like to set my goals high.

So, my goal for Camp this year is a startling 125,000 words. And, to make this more difficult on myself, I'm afraid I have a little unexpected news: my main project for camp is original fiction. Alex keeps going on about how I need to fix something up for publishing, so I'm going to be doing so with an original story titled Foxpaws.

However, never fear. I am a fan fiction author at heart, which brings me to my next piece of news -- the second project (you really expected me only to work on one and my current story? For shame.) I will be working on is one I frequently get requests for a continuation of. I will be working on To Break a Heart. Over the next week and a half, I'm going to be redrafting and editing the current chapters, which may be taken down at one point as I upload newer versions (I'm making a couple of storyline changes) and then I'll keep going.

I know that my writing hasn't been as speedy lately as you might hope. I'm optimistic that adding a canonically-themed story to my writing regime might help me get into the swing of things. And swing I must, because 125,000 words is no joke. It's almost three times what I turn out in an average month.

So, cheer me on? Let me know what you think~!


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*cheers you on*

I'm very curious and excited to see what new ideas you have in store for us. ^_^

May your muse be kind and your fingers be speedy and nimble in the next month! 125,000 words isn't a walk in the park exactly but if anyone can do it, I think you're one that has a very good shot. Huzzah!