note to self: keep your hyungs close but your boyfriend closer

note to self: keep your hyungs close but your boyfriend closer



Everyone knows that Jongwoon is a good hyung. He’s doting, he’s indulgent, he’s playful and he takes care of his dongsaengs well. Because of that, Jongwoon would constantly be surrounded by bright-eyed dongsaengs vying for his attention, in hopes of being on the receiving end of the older’s fond eyes— his hyung energy was just that strong, you know?


Kyuhyun was well-aware of his boyfriend being the ultimate dongsaeng magnet. After all, he was also a victim of Jongwoon’s hyung-esque charms. The only difference is that he was also so successful in invoking his coquettish charms that he managed to emerge triumphant as Jongwoon’s favourite dongsaeng slash maknae slash boyfriend slash lifelong partner. Hah!


So when it comes to the different younger idol groups and Jongwoon’s younger friends flocking around his boyfriend, Kyuhyun was indifferent about it. Absolutely no jealousy whatsoever. Okay, maybe a little. Never mind the fact that this was after Jongwoon’s compulsory training for Kyuhyun to reign in his possessive tendencies. But ultimately, Kyuhyun was pretty confident that he was the one that understood his hyung’s preferences for dongsaengs the best, and he had the best dongsaeng tactics to charm Jongwoon too.


(And vice versa, with Kyuhyun being a popular people magnet himself, Jongwoon had to train Kyuhyun to STOP being so adorable everywhere he goes too. The training involved (1) acting out scenarios where Kyuhyun was supposed to reject other people’s invitation to get drinks, (2) practise his intimidating face if someone tries to flirt with him, and (3) subtly hint to others that he was already spoken for.


Unfortunately, (1) and (2) ended up in a dismal failure because Jongwoon just could not seem to say ‘no’ to Kyuhyun even though it was just supposed to be a roleplay scenario. Each time Kyuhyun practised putting up a stern face when Jongwoon tried to flirt with him, Jongwoon would find himself cooing over his boyfriend. (3) kind of worked, ‘kind of’ because Kyuhyun did not seem to have a single bone for subtlety in him — every ‘subtle’ hint he could come up with revolved around telling everyone “sorry, my wife is calling, I gotta go”; shoving his hand into people’s faces to show off the ring on his ring finger; physically gagging when someone taps him on his shoulder.)


So yes, Kyuhyun knew full well how Jongwoon was like as a lovable hyung. What Kyuhyun did not expect, was for Jongwoon to be equally charming as a dongsaeng.


It wasn’t something that he took notice of until a few months ago. It all started when the whole of Super Junior had just finished a concert and they were all hanging around in the waiting room, still riding on the high of completing another event with all nine members. As usual, it was bustling and noisy. Everyone was contributing to the noise pollution in the room to different extents.


As for Kyuhyun, he was busy torturing Hyukjae on the sofa with Donghae cheering him on. However, while he was roughhousing with the dancer, he noticed in his peripheral vision that the hyung line was all cuddled up together at the corner of the room. More specifically, Jongwoon was comfortably sandwiched between Leeteuk and Heechul. Their limbs were all tangled, and Jongwoon had the cutest, cheeriest smile on his face as he listened intently to whatever his two hyungs were yapping about.


Oh wow, the audacity? Flirting in front of him in this economy?


Kyuhyun watched as Jongwoon nodded earnestly whenever he was asked a question by Heechul, and giggled happily while he played with Leeteuk’s fingers, all the while his eyes were sparkling and sincere. Kyuhyun could also vaguely hear Jongwoon whining to the two older hyungs about the most mundane things — how Kkomelo liked to ignore him, how he’s running out of space at home to keep his legos, how he accidentally pricked his finger on the sheet of music when he was recording for their upcoming album. In turn, Leeteuk and Heechul would coo and cajole at Jongwoon, as if Jongwoon was their cute little maknae. Jongwoon would even obediently lower his head for Leeteuk to pet him like a puppy… EXCUSE ME!!!!!


The last straw for Kyuhyun was when Jongwoon accompanied his petulant complaints with a pout. A pout! A pout!!!!!! A pout that even he only got to see once in awhile at home!!!!!!!!!!


And Jongwoon should only rant about the most minute of inconveniences to him!!!!!!! Not to Leeteuk, not to Heechul, not to anyone else!!! Him only! Because he is boyfriend!!!


So Kyuhyun got up from the sofa, not before squeezing the life out of Hyukjae one last time and depositing him on the floor like a ragdoll, and stomped his way over to the huddled up in the corner. His three hyungs turned their attention to the maknae immediately, but Leeteuk and Heechul’s mindless ministrations on Jongwoon's body continued.


Enough is enough!!!!!!!!! Before any of them could say anything, Kyuhyun reached out to shove away the grabby hands from Jongwoon’s shoulders and thighs.


“Yah! Cho Kyu!”


Despite Heechul’s protests, Kyuhyun pulled Jongwoon up into his arms, as if he was staking claim over his favourite penguin soft toy. The youngest glared heatedly at Leeteuk and Heechul who remained seated, now with a knowing and sly smile on their faces respectively.


“You guys are too much! You can’t touch Jongwoon like that! How can you do this right in front of me?! I’m the boyfriend!! You need to show some respect to me!!!! Yah, only I can—”


Kyuhyun was cut off by a sharp twist at his ear.


“AH! Ahhhhh!! Hyung! It hurts!”


“Cho Kyuhyun, they are your hyungs! You can’t talk to them like that!”


“And I’m your boyfriend! So they can’t touch — aaaaHHHH”


Everyone in the room watched quietly as Super Junior’s maknae gets dragged out of the waiting room by Jongwoon by the ear, all while Kyuhyun tried to beg for mercy by offering his credit card for Jongwoon to spend for a day. At the corner, the two eldest members simply high-fived each other, knowing full well that they would be well-protected from Kyuhyun’s wrath. After all, it has also been so long since they got to spend some alone time with their oldest and sensible dongsaeng, since Jongwoon’s attention was always colonised by the possessive maknae.




That day marked the start of Kyuhyun’s hyperawareness towards the that is Leeteuk-Heechul-Jongwoon. Kyuhyun despised how Jongwoon would become more pliant, more whiny around the other two. A part of him was also jealous of how the word ‘hyung’ would roll off Jongwoon’s tongue when he called out to Leeteuk and Heechul.


Thereafter, whenever Kyuhyun was free, he would prowl through videos of the various shows that the group had went on throughout the years to observe the interactions between his boyfriend and the two oldest. He would take down notes in his journal to compile the moments that he absolutely did not approve of, even if they were the littlest micro-expressions.


He would note down how Heechul got the chance to openly praise Jongwoon for his vocals, how he got to hold Jongwoon’s hand while Jongwoon sang. In turn, Jongwoon would look at his Heebong hyung~ with a shy smile and crescent eyes. Kyuhyun would then curse under his breath as he remembered how Jongwoon confessed that DocTeuk~ was the only member that he would confide in as he was too used to joking around with the rest.


This would not do!!!


Kyuhyun was still in the midst of drawing mind maps to strategise how he could better occupy all of Jongwoon’s attention in his journal when suddenly, a pair of familiar arms were wrapped around his neck. He slammed the notebook shut immediately and turned to face his lover.




Jongwoon frowned. “What were you doing? You were so secretive about it.”




The younger put on the most innocent eyes that he could muster and held his breath for the few moments of silence as Jongwoon considered his answer. He didn’t want to sleep on the couch again!!!


And finally — "Fine, whatever. Anyways! Come with me, Kyu! I have something to show you!” The older reached for Kyuhyun’s hand and started tugging at it with an excited smile on his face. Any lingering annoyance from the maknae towards his other two hyungs from moments ago vanished instantly at the sight of his lover’s happiness.


“What is it, hyung?”


“Just come!”


Kyuhyun let himself be dragged to their living room by a Jongwoon that was practically bouncing on his feet.


“And… look!!! It’s us!”


On the coffee table was an intricate lego build of a castle that looked like it was straight out from a fairy tale, with two mini lego figures that oddly resembled Kyuhyun and Jongwoon standing at the balcony of the castle. Kyuhyun knelt down to take an even closer look at the build, only to notice that one of the mini human figurines even had a little mole under his right eye.


“……Hyung? You built this yourself?”


Jongwoon sat down beside Kyuhyun and nodded happily, his eyes wide and imploring, as if he was waiting for Kyuhyun to praise him. “Yep! I only just managed to finish it! It took me sooo long to do it myself, but look! That’s me and you! I got them customised to look like us.” A blush started to appear on the older’s cheeks, before he continued, “…And I got this because the castle reminded me of us. You’re like my prince who is always taking care of me and loving me, it’s as if you came out from a fairy tale just for me. Do you… do you like it?”


Did he like it?!?! Did his stupid hyung really just ask if he likes it? Kyuhyun felt like he might start crying any moment from all the love and happiness that was bursting at its seams!


“Aish… h-hyung… you’re too much… what kind of question is that? Of course, I love it! I love it soooooo much! But I love you the most, do you know that? I will only ever love you, and I will always be your prince. Only I can be your prince, okay?" The younger pulled his lover in for a tight embrace and longing kiss. When they finally parted, Jongwoon was already all cuddled up in the other man’s lap on the ground, with his head leaning on Kyuhyun’s chest.


The couple basked in the comfortable silence as they continued to admire the castle in front of them. Quietly, Kyuhyun wondered when would it be their turn to have a fairy tale wedding and happily ever after as he continued to leave soft kisses on Jongwoon’s forehead.


His train of thought was interrupted by Jongwoon’s voice.


“So…… Kkuru-ah... will you stop obsessively harping on those videos of me and Teuk hyung and Heebongie hyung?”


The maknae jolted. And laughed awkwardly (in fear). “Whaaaaaaat… no… What videos are you talking about? Ha ha ha…”


“You have been using my YouTube account to watch those videos, pabo Cho Kyuhyun ah…”


No ing way… I am so sleeping on the couch tonight… So much for being a prince... Kyuhyun thought (screamed) internally.


Before he could come up with some random excuse in hopes of reducing Jongwoon’s sentence for him, however, his lover actually snuggled even closer to him and reached up to squeeze his cheeks with both of his small hands.


“Are you really a pabo, Cho Kkuru? Hmm? How many times must I tell you that I love you so much that I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have you? Why are you still so jealous? There’s no one else for me but you. Isn’t it the same to you, for me?”


“… Yes, hyung.”


“If you are so jealous over the members, then shouldn’t I be upset too when you coddle Donghae? Or when you act cute in front of Siwonnie? You are also always such a charmer in front of all your variety show and musical friends… should I be jealous too?”


“It’s different, Jongwoon!”


“It’s the same, you stupid. And you know it.” Jongwoon leaned forward to kiss away the pout on Kyuhyun’s lips. “In this whole world, I only want you. Everyone else is just side characters in the main love story that is for me and you, okay?”


“Okay. I love you.”


“I love you more, Cho Kyuhyun.”






“…But Jongwoon-ah, can you also call me ‘hyung’ like how you do it to Leeteuk hyung and Heechul hyung?”






“You! Sofa! Tonight!”







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this word vomit stems from this tweet where yesung looked like such a cute dongsaeng nodding happily at heechul kakak


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gayworm 0 points #1
Chapter 1: aaaa this is adorable !!!

let me start this off by calmly, very calmly, ever so calmly, telling you just how freaking ADORABLE this is!!!! im over here smiling like an idiot the whole time i was reading this because it was just so cute and i want to SCREAM!!! !!! kyu's little jealousy was so precious because it was just so endearing and warm and soft and goddammit just let him attach himself to yesung and never let him go so he can just hiss at anyone that dares to go near his yesung!!!

i loved reading the part with yesung and leetuek and heechul all cuddling over there because i could just See and Hear and Feel everything yesung did because it was so very him to do lol and kyuhyun being so jealous about it while absolutely demolishing hyukjae i could just imagine him squeezing hyukjae violently while watching the other three because how DARE THEY!!! poor hyukjae lol but also poor kyuhyun!! don't touch his yesung!!!!!

this was so very adorable and sweet and i want to cry from how damn sweet it all was! one of the cutest fics ive read and i loved every second of it!

and dont get me STARTED on the lego castle because that had me dying and screaming that was the most cutest and sweetest and precious thing ive ever had the blessing of reading!!! i wanted to cry FOR kyuhyun because of how cute it was and he EVEN GOT THEM CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR THE TWO OF THEM OMG YESUNGGGGGGG PLEASE MY HEART

this one just so freaking adorable and such a good read and i cant thank you enough for writing this and sharing it with us all!! thank you thank you ❤️ (*´꒳`*)
yujayujatea #3
Chapter 1: I love ur fics really i do
Honeymoon89 #4
Chapter 1: Cho kyu 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️your jealousy are really rediculous! Hahah😂😂😂
399 streak #5
Chapter 1: LMAO

XDDDD It's so funny, and sweet at the same time. Jealousy Kyu always interesting to read hahaha~

NB : while reading your story, suddenly I felt that I missed Hangeng. It would be really nice to see Kyu be so jealous around Hangeng and Jongwoon XDDDD Hangeng was/is one of the hyung for Jongwoon afterall, and their interactions in the past just soooooo cute eventho just a little