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Surviving on the cursed island🏝️
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Despite the panic attack and the hard situation everyone was in, they managed to get out and look around the weird island, it sure looked like a normal island at first but they never thought it was deep and big when they walked into the forest inside.

Jeonghan tried getting along with anyone, but he was unable to as he saw a group getting along and then he looked around trying to find anyone but he couldn't, he bit his lips, was scared and lonely, he went back and sat by the beach wondering.

He won't survive, won't he ?! He was ready to do his surgery next week in Canada, he held his head and tears appeared around his beautiful eyes.

He hugged his bag which was just a backpack he had brought with him, it wasn't a suitcase cause he was just there for one week, no one cared that much about him when he decided to do this surgery, even his divorced parents.

Jeonghan looked at the wide endless beach, waves, and sounds of birds, is this some kind of a punishment?! But for what ?! He has been struggling with his illness for years, he sniffled, maybe dying here is better cause maybe the surgery won't go well?! It's a brain surgery anyway.

He held his head while his tears rolled down.

He saw someone coming close but not on his side but to the beach as he was trying to get some fish, he should be like them, surviving and trying his best but he felt helpless.

" Instead of crying come and help me, I'll give you some when I grill it."

Jeonghan's eyes widened, and he looked at the topless tanned man before him, he stood up wiping his tears away.

" Th-thank you."

The guy looked at the frail pale lad around his early twenties and looked back at the fish he caught.

" I know it looks hard and all but don't worry, we will be safe, they'll find us and we will go back home."Β 
He said trying to comfort him, Jeonghan smiled at the tanned man, " Thank you so much, I feel better."

The guy gave Jeonghan a stick of dying fish.

" My name's Mingyu."

He said and the lad held the stick with a cute smile.

" I'm Jeonghan~nice to meet you."

He was so happy to see someone kind enough to approach him and give him something to eat for later.

He seems to be a dependable person.

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1576 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Cheol won't give up on him, even though he's barely more than a stranger. This guy really does have a heart of gold! His heart is probably already very gone for Jeonghan, too, so that probably plays a part in his hopefulness.

When that wish comes true and this is all over and Jeonghan has successfully undergone the surgery and recovered, at least it looks like he'll have new people who genuinely care about him to call family.
1576 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Seungcheol is already giving in to his angel face, he's so accommodating and gentle with him. No wonder Hannie thinks he was joking about the mafia thing.

They keep calling each other hyung and kid, but did they ever talk about an or just assume? It would be amusing if they were actually the same age just like irl.

As sweet as their developing thing is, Jeonghan's health will only get worse the longer they're stranded and his medicine will run out eventually... they really do need to be rescued asap.
1576 streak #3
Chapter 3: His condition does seem quite dire. Hopefully it doesn't worsen too much before rescue comes and he can get that surgery.

"Jeonghan smiled feeling so happy that he got with a kind group, despite them being from the mafia."

Yeah, well even if they're criminals back in society, they may be the safer group to be part of because they already are used to an established order and discipline. It's probably going to devolve to chaos and power struggle with the other group, which is likely more dangerous.

Either way, these "kind" criminals have taken him in and cared for him like their own. Getting to sleep next to the mafia boss with a "handsome face" isn't so bad, either. Hannie is understandably very thankful, but he could probably show his thanks by listening and resting. He'll probably just overexert himself and risk his health further if he does too much...
1576 streak #4
Chapter 1: Seungcheol comes across scary and gruff, but he seems a good person to have on your side in a survival situation. Maybe both him and Mingyu will help take care of Jeonghan so he doesn't feel so hopeless.
Chapter 17: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Chapter 15: Yaaay an update
I wish you could do a meanie version also
Chapter 13: This is an amazingly perfect! I adore your writing so much ❀️
katarinayuu #8
Chapter 13: Ohhhh this is such a perfect ending I really love it 😍 I keep waiting for your updates all the time

I know you mostly write Jeogcheols but may I request a Meanie too or a meanie side story ?

I would love ❀️ that
You don’t have to and I’ll keep waiting for your next story
Chapter 12: I hope nothing bad happens now