Mornings In Seoul

Girl's Generation One Shot Mania



I ran my pale fingers through her brown tresses.

Her face was calm, relaxed. It was not the "Coldness" people  associated her with, but rather a calmness that would evoke a longing in even the most hardened soul.

I laughed lightly to myself at that, hardened soul, it's the exact thing people have always called me since I was young. 

I was in fact "calm" all the time, no matter the situation, fitting, given my name.

But she changed me, in the most wonderfully chllenging ways.

I ran the tip of my finger down her soft cheek, she stirred, but not because of my movement, but rather the coldness of the winter air.

I silently thanked mother nature, for she moved closer to me, snuggling her face on my shoulder, her arms securing themselves around my petite waist. I pulled the covers more onto her, hoping to enclose her in my embrace.

I smiled in contentment.

I ran my right hand down her arm, to the mall of her back.

Her curves were familiar to me now, afterall, it's been 3 years since we've been together.

Do you know? I thought to myself as i leaned my head down slightly, ignoring the crink in my neck, and soreness of my arm she was laying on, simply to kiss the top of her forehead.

"Do you know?" I vocalized, my lips moving gently upon her forhead "How much I love you?"

I whipsered to her sleeping form.

My brown onyx eyes gazed over at the clock on her side of the bed, where it sat on her nightstand.

8:30 AM

It was time to get up, and I slightly cursed the clock and time for making me disturb my lovely girlfriend's slumber.

I looked down at her again, and I smiled.

"Sica.." I said as I poked her side.

No reaction.

"Sica.." I bothered as I kissed her earlobe.

A little stir.

Her name. A light kiss to her neck. A murmur.


"Hmm?" I answered her, glad she was awake, but amused because she had her eyes closed and tried to scoot into my neck to resume her sleep.

Her breath hit my neck as she spoke, creating shivers.

"You're mean.."

I laughed, my JummaTaeng coming out along with it.

Oh well, she said she liked my laugh.

"How so?" I asked her 

She finally got up, her wieght on her elbow as she looked at me.

"You couldn't give me ten minutes?" She pouted, her cuteness coming out.

I was glad I was the only one to see it, because it's so adorable, especially on the "Ice princess"

I leaned over to her, and lightly pecked her strawberry flavored lips, her natural taste that I loved.

"Babe, I gave you an extra 30, we were supposed to be up at 8"

She looked at me in a playfully annoyed exspression,then dramatacically let her body fall on mine.

"ummpf" was the only sound that came out of me, she was laughing at me.

"Jessica.." I complained from beneath her hair.

She lifted up, her body still flushed against mine, her curves matching mine perfectly.

Her hair created this sort of curtain around our to faces.

"Good morning Taengoo.." She husked as she leaned down, her lips getting closer to mine..Oh god, we're going to be late.


Let's just say we were late to our scheduled meeting.





I had to get my taengsic feels out of me.


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Chapter 1: Interesting ^_^ looking foward to it