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Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     The aroma of freshly brewed jasmine tea fills the almost-ending summer air. Gently swirling the little spoon, the woman taps it lightly against the edge of the teacup after she’s done and places it on the pastel red colored saucer. She brings the edge of the china cup between her lips and takes a few sips of the warm tea. After some seconds, the woman returns the cup back to its place on the saucer and takes a hold of the documents in resting on her lap.

“Everything has been arranged, Madam.” The man dressed in a black suit says as he stands by her side.

She absentmindedly nods her head, “Excellent.”

He then continues to speak, “I have secretly made arrangements for your appearance in the next stockholder’s meeting. No one suspects that you are back yet; they only know of Young Master’s return. All you need to do—”

The woman holds up a hand, signaling him to end his talk. “I know what to do.” Chuckling to herself in satisfaction, she goes through the documents page by page. “Make sure my son doesn’t know of this.”

“It will be taken care of.”

“You are dismissed.”

The man bows out of respect and obliges to her order.

Once she’s alone, Mrs. Kim closes the documents but her grasp on it never once loosens. The corner of her lips curl upward into a sly grin, already feeling the slightest bit of accomplishment. “Honey, I will take back what is rightfully ours.”




“We have just received tragic news. The owner of the Kim Group, Kim Jaehyun, was recently involved in a terrifying car accident. According to various sources, Mr. Kim’s car was flipped over several times—”

“This leads us to the big question: who will be in charge of the Kim Group now?”

“Just now, we have received information that the Do Group will—”

 “Who will be the final heir?”

“Who will take over the Kim Group’s rising business?”


“—Kim Junmyeon or Do Kyungsoo?”




Kim Jongdae furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he goes through stacks of old newspapers from one to two decades ago, creating a huge mess on the wooden rectangular table at Scandal News’ office place. “How come there’s barely no news of the events that happened in the past?”

His coworker walks in, only to gasp incredulously at the sight. “What did you do now?”

“Minseok, you know about the thing that happened years ago?”

“Be more specific, Jongdae.” Minseok groans in annoyance as he clears out the newspapers on a chair and sits down. “What topic? And why are you so interested in other things than Kim Jongin?”

The reporter pouts at the accusation (it really wasn’t, though) and fishes for his expensive digital camera. “I don’t always stalk Kai!”

“You do, actually.” Minseok murmurs into his cup of coffee.

“The other day, I took a picture of Kim Junmyeon and Do Kyungsoo together.” Jongdae shoves the camera into his coworker’s hands, pointing a finger at the two people in the picture. “It’s been years since these two were last seen together!”

“Isn’t Do Kyungsoo the boyfriend of Kim Jongin…?” Minseok raises an eyebrow in his friend’s direction, as if saying that his so-called ‘accusation’ is actually a fact. He then turns his attention the picture and frowns, “So what about it?”

“Don’t their families have a history with one another?”

“You mean…you’re talking about the scandal that went down when we were about to graduate from high school? –The one that involved the Do Group and Kim Group,” his friend finally comes to a realization of what he’s trying to do. Minseok furrows his brows even more as he places the camera back down on the table. “Why are you trying to—?”

Jongdae nods his head vigorously, “Think about it!”

“You’re crazy.”

“There must be something going on!”

“Can’t old friends just meet up after a long time?”

“I remember reading something about how Do Kyungsoo caused Kim Junmyeon’s disability! They can’t just be friends again if Do Kyungsoo took away Kim Junmyeon’s ability to walk.” The reporter rants in frustration, his hands thrown up in the air scandalously and eyes wide in disbelief.

Minseok shrugs, “Well they are rich.”

“These newspapers barley say anything about the incident!”

“We only knew from insider’s leaks, and that was a long time ago.”

“No one’s that forgiving,” the reporter says lowly as he suspiciously stares at the smiling author in the picture. “There must be something going on.”

“Just leave them alone,” the other reporter says. “It’s their lives.”

“But if we can uncover this, Scandal News will be huge!”




Junmyeon slowly wheels himself over to the bookshelf, searching for something interesting to read in hopes of taking his mind off of a sorrowful memory. His warm eyes scan through the rows of books before finding one that sparks his interest. The author’s heart falls slightly when he takes notice of the distance between him and in the shelf. The book was situated on one of the higher shelves, one that so happens to be out of his reach. Being stubborn as he’s always is, Junmyeon grasps onto the arms of his wheelchair tightly and pushes his body up. Gritting his teeth together at the immense amount of strength he has to use, Author Kim quickly clutches onto one of the shelves and slowly hoists himself up even higher. Feeling that he’ll be fine, he hesitantly lets go of the other hand on his armrest and grasps it onto one of the shelves too.

As the book comes into a few inches away from his grasp, his arms give out and his grasp weakens as well. Eyes widening in alarm, Junmyeon doesn’t have time to brace for the painful fall. He meets the wooden floor with a rather loud thud and loudly groans in pain. Through gritted teeth and an aching body, his eyes focuses on his pair of now useless legs.

The author wants to scream out in regret, in pain, and in hatred, but he can’t.

He doesn’t deserve to do so.

Feeling tears well up in his eyes, Junmyeon forces them away as quickly as he can and brings a shaking hand to clutch at the side of his right leg. The grasp is tight and full of unspoken emotions throughout the years.

Just then, the door bursts open and a frantic Yixing runs in. Finding his boss lying on the floor and clutching onto his leg rather tightly, the assistant gasps in surprise and immediately runs up to the man. He gets on his knees at once, checking to see if the author has received any major injuries. “Oh my goodness, are you all right Junmyeon?”

“I’m…fine,” Author Kim breathes out after a while.

Yixing doesn’t buy into the answer. “Why didn’t you call for my help?”

“I didn’t want to bother you.” Junmyeon answers truthfully with a faint smile.

“Don’t say that!” his assistant scolds sternly as he carefully helps the author back into his wheelchair. “You hired me for a reason. Don’t think anything is too petty for my help, Junmyeon.” Yixing says softly, his heart sinking in disappointment as he gazes at the lonely figure of his boss.

Author Kim quietly takes his assistant’s hand into his grasp and shakes his head.


“Please don’t tell mother about today.”

“But you fell—!”

“I don’t want her to worry even more.” Junmyeon gazes up in a plea

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
970 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now