Chapter 1


“Mr.Huang called me earlier in the morning. Seems like your brother is moving to Korea to study” Mei’s mom said with a bright smile on her lips. “You mean, my half brother” stated the let’s-call-things-by-their-right-names girl, “Yeah, as you wish. He had nowhere to go that’s why his father called me.” 

That raised eyebrow of Mei could tell how excited she was about what was about to come next and those widened eyes, if they had lasers her mom would be dead by now. “He is staying with us, at least for the first times” excitement, her whole body was screaming excitement, enough excitement for her and for her daughter, no, for 30 daughters, Mei thought. But wasn’t it normal, after all Mrs.Park was about to finally have her both kids with her. What else could a mother ask for? She waited 18 years for that, 18 years are more than enough.

“Why am I not surprised..” eyes rolling “but mom, I don’t even know him, I mean, I saw him once in my life. All I remember about him is that he reminds me of a panda, how amazing is that” sarcasm, that could probably be her middle name. “Think positive, you love pandas”, Mrs.Park giggled teasing her daughter to make up the mood. “MOM!” seems like the plan wasn’t working as expected since Mei’s creepy expression was now back, “Yeah, forget what I said”.

Can you imagine how would it be having a half brother who you just saw once when you were 4yo and 14 years later, from night to day, start sharing your own space with that person. 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. It’s like sharing your privacy with a stranger, yes a stranger because after all you know nothing about that guy, even though he’s your own /half/ brother, ironic right? And when you are such a closed person and hard to get along with, the scene can seem 2 times worse. Of course, in Mei’s point of view the situation looks 5 times worse than it really is and she would say you can’t even imagine something similar with this sad reality.


Even though it was like 2h30pm it wouldn't stop Mei of arriving late to school. Yeah, doesn't matter if it's morning of afternoon, in the end she will end up being late. Mei is a naturally dangerous girl - don't take me wrong, she can't kill not even a bug, actually she's pretty scared of them - always messing up with her schedule, forgetting which subject is she going to have, where did she left her phone.. more clumsy and forgetful than her, only her mysterious confidant, Zhang Yixing.

But going back to her dangerousness, if in a normal day her friends would call her 'trouble magnet', imagine how dangerous can be a late Mei running through the hallways of the school with a couple of books on her hand. Those books were now about to fall on the floor, just like in any typical teen romance, this scene couldn't be missed. But in this particular case the boy who she bumped into was not a prince charming, not that he wasn't gorgeous and to die for. Actually, he was really tall, with a great fashion sense, short dark hair, tanned skin, a perfect body shape and.. expressionless - Mei thought.

"I.. I'm sorry" she said looking at those mysterious eyes before quickly leaning down to pick the mess. He was about to do the same so he could help her but it was already too late. Without noticing his own books were now on his hands, meanwhile Mei was running towards the classroom with her owns.

"Can I ask you-" but before he could finish his line, a "Sorry, I'm late" came out from before disappearing in the long hallway.

"Huang Zitao, you will need to find it by yourself" he said quietly encouraging himself in this new journey before checking the number of his classroom one more time and start looking for it.

The boy was still looking for his classroom when Mei reached the door of her own. "Morning Nara" she said in a breathless tone to her friend who was peeking from the door's frame. "The teacher is not here yet?" Mei asked while stepping inside, walking towards her desk. A rhetorical question that was about to be interrupted by a "Who was that guy?" from her friend. "What?" she asked confused before seeing Li turning around on her desk to join the conversation "Guy?".

Li was Mei's bestfriend in a long time, they first met when the latest one joined elementary school in Korea. As mentioned before, Mei wasn't an easy person to get along with. She was nice and kind but there were also some scars from the past that would always make her think twice before trusting someone. The fear of getting hurt was huge and so most of the people never managed to know the real her. But Li did it, it wasn't easy and took her a lot but she never gave up on proving to the other chinese girl that she was a trustful person and that trusting someone could be worth. Beside Mei's mother, she was now the closest person to the mysterious girl. Nara was the typical gorgeous girl that all the guys would drool for. (Fake) blonde and with a perfect body but pretty innocent, always dreaming awake about the day a prince will come in a white horse to take her to wonderland. Cheesy, right? But Mei would define Nara as the cheesiest girl on earth and probably the one with the smallest - no, let's be nice - laziest brain on earth. Still, she loved the other two almost as real sisters.

"What are you talking about?" Li asked looking at both of them. "I was there checking if the teacher would come when I saw Mei talking to a tall and handsome god never seen before" so exaggerated - Mei thought while rolling her eyes.

"Really? Mei talking with a boy who's not Chanyeol? Was it, by any chance, her mysterious friend?" Li asked staring at Mei with a raised eyebrow, what made her sigh.

"He's a nobody that I bumped into" she said with a killing look staring at both of her friends "That's all" she added when she saw Nara's mouth opening. But was he a real nobody in her life?

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