
Best Thing

May 22, 2013.


The letter was already there when she arrived at her apartment. With a big logo outside the envelope, she knew what it is about. She had let out a sigh, the seconds she saw it. Damn, she was so ing nervous. Who wouldn’t? It was her fate, her future, her life, her effort and hard-works all determined just to that damned letter. She would’ve devastated if she was not accepted, but she tried so hard to be optimistic and didn’t think much about it before. When she finally picked it from the floor, her hands were shaking. She had breathe so deeply and let it out softly.

She ripped the left side of the envelope and took the letter out. She read it over and over again, not believing the result that she got. Her breath hitched in and she was pretty sure her heart had stopped beating at the moment. Then, the screaming began. She’d never been happier.

"Mom, I make it! I make it!" she yelled excitedly, calling her mother's phone as soon as she could after she learnt the news.

"Sweetheart?" came the sleepy answer. "This is three a.m in the morning, dear, why the fuss?"

"I know, I know, I am sorry but this is so important," she grinned sheepishly. "I got accepted by SM University Korea! Isn't that fabulous?"

"Really? Oh dear, I am so proud of you. You're going to be the best designer there." her mother's smile was heard clearly. "Come home tomorrow, alright? We must talk about this directly and on the reasonable time."

"Yes, of course. Thanks a lot, Mom. Sorry for disturbing your sleep," she chuckled. "I love you so much."

"Nonsense," said her mother back, pointing at the disturbing thing. "I love you too darling. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

Even after hearing her mother’s voice, she still couldn’t help it but to continuously read the letter. Especially the words; With this letter, we announced that you are accepted at SM University. And then, she kept muttering it for the rest of the night.


May 23, 2013.


"What?! You're not serious, right?" one of her best friend, Allison, shrieked.

"I am! In fact, I'm dead serious," a playful smile showed in her face. "I'm going to Korea and I just can't wait for it!"

"Why would you?" Alli asked curiously. "Well, no offense, but I just think that being here in America is better for your career."

She shrugged, taking a sip of her morning coffee. "None taken. I want to try living in Korea. I'm a Korean after all, so I just kind of interested. And when I heard this university is so good in design department, I told myself to go and fight for it.”

“And that’s it? You’re going to ditch me and your other bestfriends here? You know we’re going to miss you so much.”

“I have to, Al,” stucking out her tongue, she then said, “I went this far, I can’t change my mind.”

“Ugh, fine. You’re mean,” for the first time, her bestfriend pouting. “I’m so telling the others.”

“Yeah, whatever.” she laughed at her friend’s face. She knew it is going to be hard to leave all of her acquaintances, but as she said, no backing up. She already accepted too, so screw it.

By the end of the day, her friends were all celebrating and also throwing a farewell party for her. It was so much fun—and going to be one of her most unforgettable memories. She was so grateful to have them as her friends, she would cherish it for the rest of her life.


May 30, 2013.


It was finally her departure time. She was anxious, happy, nervous and excited at the same time. After dealing with her family, friends, teachers, mentors and just like everyone, it was worth it. Some of her stuffs were already sent days before with packages, while the others, she brought it with some suitcases. Her parent and Allison her to the airport to say goodbye.

“Take care.” her dad said. His tone was kind of flat—but she had already expecting it anyway.

She loves her dad, she really did and do. But she didn’t have a good relationship with him, they were awkward with each other. They were actually close, when she was so much younger. It was starting to be weird when she was in the middle school. That hurt her then, but not anymore. She understand why it was so hard to be close again. She feel it too.

“I will, dad. I will.”

Then she spent her next 15 hours non-stop in the plane. She was exhausted, but once again, it was all worth it. Seoul is so beautiful, she thought. And she didn’t regret her decision. Walking proudly, she took her suitcases and got out from the airport. She called a cab and told the driver where her new apartment. He drove so carefully, thank God, and when they arrived she gave him a thank you and paid him.

She looked around the apartment and went straight to the receptionist. “Good evening,” the kind-looking receptionist greeted her. “May I help you?”

“Good evening, Ms. Lee,” she greeted her back, peeking at her name tag. “I want to check in to my apartment. I have already called days ago.”

“Alright,” Ms. Lee smiled. “Can you tell me your name, please?”

“Jessica.” then, she smiled back. “Jessica Jung.” 

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