I Dare You To Love Me
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Hello... How many years has it been? I don't know if you who followed this story years ago are still here.

First, I would like to apologize for not finishing this story, life got in the way, and somehow lost interest in writing plus lack of T-ara activities stopped the tickle in my imagination. Second, another apology because I have to take this down. But since this is my very first,  I'm still trying to finish this story and recycled and posted this on Dreame but not as a fanfic anymore, I'll be changing the character names but for all of us who started this we all know this is born from EunYeon. It's already a signed book so I'm not allowed to post them here anymore.

Link is here:

Right now, only one new chapter is posted (a very short filler). But I'm drafting the others and tryng to get back to write again.

Again I am sorry, to those who supported me and and still wait for updates thank you and goodbye Well...if you wanna still follow the story...see you in Dreame. 😜

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notes on ch 17: i didn't know it was that long


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1131 streak #1
Chapter 32: Please dont take this out I just saw this ff and I'm eager to read it authourssi
ShainaloveTara #2
Chapter 32: I'll wait for this even how long it takes haha.
greenjade21 #3
Chapter 31: It's less than 5 years since your last update; I wonder if when or will ever be an ending for this? Sad. I missed this one ... I mean, having the time to look on all the stories I was reading, a lot of good stories were unfinished and authors were in hiatus. Tho, I'm still hoping for an ending? Good luck authorssi! Stay safe. :)?
HDFF17 #4
Were did you go author-nim? it been so long from your last update. Anyway i hope you're ok and i wish you give this story the ending it deserve and won't let it hang like this for ever, because it's so good and it shows how much effort you put in to it at least for me it is ( i feel a kind of bond with the characters like they are people i know, a real people i can relate to).
charlierei #5
Chapter 31: i really love your story T-T
i know it's been so long...but pls update. i'm begging you lol T-T
just2think80 #6
Chapter 31: Hi dude...
Y leave it hanging? Over a year already....
Pls update if u still alive....hi,hi,hi
Hahmcha #7
Chapter 31: Author-nim.....hi...
Just discover your story..pretty late i guess..but author-nim..i hope you still be able to continue this story..great the story line and love the characters..plzzzzzzz continue it..
KhimBerry #8
Chapter 31: Hello my cute author , it's been along time , why you didn't update ... Why you abandons such as a managing story ? Or you lost interest ? Please back soon , finish what you made
Chapter 31: I hope you update! Nice story too.