Chapter Six

In too deep

Hae was shaking on the dance floor, laughing hard with Sungmin.

'Heechul, stop looking so sour, look at our Hae.' Donghae's mum said.

Heechul tried to relax but his instincts still didn't like it. 'You are right, my Lady.'

'And we all saw that kiss!' Donghae's dad jumped in.

'Hmmmm.' Heechul answered, his eyes locked onto the boy he had known for over 14 years now.


Hyuk sipped from his champagne, his eyes searching the room.

'He's dancing.' Kyu whispered.

Hyuk frowned. He spotted his husband and turned to Kyu. 'I wasn't looking for him.'

'Of course you weren't.' Kyu smiled.

'Don't give me that face.'

'Man, you can't be serious, look at him. He's gorgeous. I think every single person in this room is watching him.'

Hyuk shrugged and walked up to the DJ. He leaned in and whispered something in the man's ear.

'People can we clear the dance floor, it's time for the newly weds to have their intimate dance.' The DJ yelled into the microphone.

Hae looked confused. His eyes met Hyuk's. One of his favourite songs started; "Never stop" from SafetySuit. His parents melted when they realised.

Hyuk had reached Hae and grabbed him, pulling him close.

'H-how did you know?' Hae stuttered.

'I have great intel.' Hyuk muttered.

Hae shivered. He felt very weak. 'You did this on purpose.' He whispered, a tear barely hanging onto his eyelashes.

Hyuk looked at it. 'Why are you crying?' He wiped the tear away.

'You had to ruin this song for me, didn't you? You jerk.' Hae hiccupped.

To everyone around it seemed very romantic. A crying Hae matched that image. They watched Hyuk pull Hae even closer.

'Get a hold on yourself, your parents are watching.' Hyuk said coldly.

Hae tried to relax.

'That's a good boy.' Hyuk mocked.

Hae breathed in and lifted his head. He wrapped his arms around Hyuk's neck, sensing the other one freeze for a second.

A beautiful smile curved his lips.

'W-what are you doing?' Hyuk asked firmly.

'You wanted a show? I'm giving you one.' Hae responded. His eyes nothing but melted chocolate as he faked adoration.

'You are good.' Hyuk admitted.

'You have no idea.' Hae said, his fighting spirit full blown.


It was well over midnight when they left the party. People had made some not so subtle hints about their upcoming wedding night, laughing at Hae's blush. The boy was happy to leave. They didn't speak in the car. Hyuk's eyes on the road, Hae's out the window. They arrived at Hyuk's villa.

'I've sent the staff home. You can meet them tomorrow.' Hyuk said as he parked the car. Hae just nodded.

The house was breathtaking but Hae never had been impressed with materialistic things. He was way too tired to take in any new information anyway. Hyuk led him upstairs.

'This is the master bedroom. You can unpack tomorrow. I freed some space in my closet.'

'Your closet?'


'This is your room.'

'Our room.'

Hae blinked. 'What?'

Hyuk sighed. 'I'm too tired to argue, just wash up and go to bed.'


'NOW!' Hyuk yelled.

Hae quickly ran to the adjacent bathroom.

Hyuk sighed. It had been decided upon a whim. He initially had prepared the bedroom next to his to be Hae's but something about Kyu's remark had made him rebel. What was Kyu thinking? Saying I can't handle that brat. I'll break him down piece by piece. Hyuk's train of thought was interrupted by his phone. He quickly read the message and smiled. He replied and went downstairs.


The shower had been great but after he dried himself off and brushed his teeth, Hae knew it was back to cold reality. He slowly opened the door and was relieved to find the room empty. He quickly grabbed his pijamas and put them on, then he had searched for the plushie Heechul had given him so many years ago and had become his steady bed partner. He was about to pull the blankets back when he heard voices downstairs. Hae didn't know what to do. He bit his lip, put the stuffed animal down and slowly walked up to the door. He tried to remember where the stairs were and followed the sound of the voices. The living room door wasn't closed and he could see a stunning young woman standing there.

'Heard you got married today.' She said slowly.

'That's true.'

'Who's the lucky girl? I heard you are a lord now.'

'It's a guy.'

The girl's eyes widened. 'Well well Hyukjae, you do surprise me. I know you are bi but still.'

Hae couldn't see Hyuk.

'So I guess, I'm no longer needed?' The girl pouted.

Hyuk came into view. He roughly grabbed the girl's chin and kissed her.

Hae gasped.

'Sugar. Nothing has changed, don't worry, I'll still make you see stars.' Hyuk said huskily, he spotted Hae in the corner of his eye and smirked.

'But what about your husband? And it's your wedding night.'

'He doesn't mind. He knows you have certain assets he never will have.' Hyuk grabbed her s and kneeded them while kissing her again.

Hae felt like an intruder and quickly returned upstairs. His cheeks becoming red as he heard the girl moan.

Hyuk pulled away and went for the girl's sensitive throat. He eyed the doorway again and huffed as he saw the boy had left. He tore the girl's clothes off and took her quick, making sure her screams would reach upstairs.

Hae held on to his plushie and tried not to listen to all the weird noises. He wasn't stupid, he knew what they were doing. Hyuk had told him he would cheat on him and maybe it would change his husband's mood for the better. Slowly Hae gave in to his exhaustion.


Hyuk went upstairs after seeing his mistress out. He still smelled like her and but he was too lazy to shower. He opened the door, excited about how Donghae would behave now. He frowned as he saw the boy sleeping soundly, clinging onto a toy at the very edge of the huge bed.

It bothered Hyuk. Something about that peaceful face, annoyed him gravely. He promised himself he would find a way to get that kid out of balance.


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970 streak #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙