Chapter Thirty Nine

In too deep

Hyuk's phone vibrated, he quickly glanced at it, he was ready to dismiss it until he thought of something. He texted back. He waited for the reply, smiled and let his gaze go over the peaceful features of his sleeping husband. He renewed the moist cloth on the other's forehead and got out of their bed. He grabbed a shirt and quickly buttoned it, not realising it was done unevenly.


Hae woke up a while later. It took some time to get his vision sharp. He still felt the sedative working. He tried to get up but had to give up. He dropped himself back onto the bed and noticed Hyuk's watch and the dropped piece of cloth. Hae bit his lip as he realised his husband had been taking care of him for hours and covered his eyes with his arm. I've been such a bad husband recently. He thought about little Hyukkie wanting the same stuff all his friends had. About finding out his father had done an unforgivable deed and then the suicide. Hae sighed and rolled over to his stomach. Not once have I asked about his past. He never confided in me either. He was so cold and yet he slept with me. Hae blushed at the memory. But what am I to him? Why go to such lengths to simply protect a stranger?  Hae punched his pillow in frustration. He rolled over again and heard the door open.

'Hyukkie?' Hae quickly sat up but tumbled back down cause of dizziness.

'Hey, careful!' Hyuk exclaimed.

'I-I'm fine...we need to talk.' Hae said softly.

'I know, I've been selfish.' Hyuk said, his voice unstable. 'I have no right to keep you as a prisoner. I'm sorry Hae, I've been treating you badly.'

Hae's head hung low. 'I've been such a burden to you for so long.'

'What? No, no!' Hyuk frowned. 'Hae, I should have told you everything, I just was so afraid. But I can't control everything and everybody. I can't completely let you go though since you still might be in danger.'

Hae opened his mouth but Hyuk placed a finger on his lips to shush him. 'But as long as you are well guarded, you are free to do as you please.'

Hae felt his heart clench. 'W-what are you implying?'

'I'll get the marriage annulled' Hyuk said, looking away. 'I hope you will still live here since this mansion is the best guarded one in the country.'

Anguish tore Hae apart. 'You are dumping me?' He whispered.

'Like you said, the worst threat to you right now, is me. You even got this ill because of me.' Hyuk wanted to hold Hae so badly but he didn't give in. He swallowed and continued. 'This is the best choice, I need to protect you, especially from myself.'

'Stop protecting me damn it!' Hae cried out. 'Stop making all the decisions!' He grabbed Hyuk's shirt and kissed him fiercely, shocking the older. Hae pulled away and was about to speak when someone knocked on the door. The door opened and revealed a girl with a blush on her cheeks, her hair all disheveled.

Hae recognised the girl as one of Hyuk's lovers. His gaze went from her blush to Hyuk's wrongly buttoned up shirt. Hae dropped his grip on Hyuk's shirt as realisation set in. He felt the last bit of strength he had within him evaporate as his mind grew dark.

'I see.' He mumbled. He looked at Hyuk, determined not to crash and burn. 'Now that all is revealed. Let's restart. Let's respect one another.'

Hyuk, oblivious of how the situation looked, got a spark of hope. He smiled.

'But no annulment. Not yet. It would crush my parents.' Hae said weakly.

Hyuk opened his mouth.

'It's fine.' Hae quickly said. 'We'll both do as we please. Don't worry, I don't expect you to suddenly be faithful just cause we ed once.' Hae forced himself to get up, ignoring Hyuk's stretched out helpful arm. Hae bowed slightly to the girl. 'Thank you for making him happy.' He mumbled. 'Please excuse me, I need to make a call.' Hae stumbled out of the room leaving a baffled Hyuk behind.

'Oh wow.' The girl exclaimed.

'W-what did just happen?' Hyuk was beyond confused.


Hae was going down the staircase slowly. His body trembling as he tried to control all the emotions raging within him. Oh, how he had wanted to throw the girl out, how he wanted to scratch her eyes out and scream to the world that Hyuk was his and his alone. He reached the kitchen and found a bowl of delicious soup, he sat himself down, ignoring the upcoming tears and started eating.


Hyuk led the girl to the hallway. 'Thanks for the soup and sorry again.'

'Oh come on, Hyuk. We go way back and I'm no idiot. I always knew exactly what I was to you. I left the recipe for Subin so she can make it if your hubby needs it again. It's really nutricious.'

'Ugh, thank you for slaving over a hot stove like that but stop making me feel as if I used you tonight only because you are a great chef.'

The girl laughed. 'You did, cause you are a fool in love.'

'Shut up!' Hyuk fake threatened. He opened his arms and the girl understood, she walked to him and closed her eyes enjoying this last hug.

The sound of shattering glass disturbed them. They both looked up and saw Hae in a pool of broken glass.

'Hae, don't move!' Hyuk yelled as he eyed his husband's bare feet.

Hae was still staring at their closeness. His eyes went to the girl. He didn't notice Hyuk running to get something to clean up the mess.

The girl narrowed her eyes, seeing a chance to clear some things up. 'Why are you looking at me like this.' She said calmly.

Hae looked down quickly. 'C-can you please not do this when I'm here. I'll g-give you my hours so you two can meet when I'm working.'

She blinked and rolled her eyes. 'So you don't mind me being ed by him?' She saw the fists tense up and the jaw clenching. She knew she was onto something. She smirked to perfect her perfomance. 'Jealous, Donghae?'

'Yes!' Hae screamed. 'Yes, I'm jealous, don't rub it in. I can't ever be enough for him, I'm a part of his misery and I know it! The only reason I am tolerating you is because you make him feel good.'

'Oh, you idiot.' The girl whispered to herself. She decided to test this even further. She seductively walked over to him, ignoring the cracking of the broken glass underneath her heels. 'You are very handsome, you know.' She said as she eyed him. 'We could too. I'll make sure Hyukjae won't find out and if he does well then you got rid of me. So win-win for you, right?'

Hae was shocked. 'You can't treat him like that! You have to be good to him!'

She cupped his face as her heart melted. 'Oh sweety, you are in too deep as well, aren't you?'

'Why are you touching him?' Hyuk barked from behind them.

Hae turned around and paled as he saw Hyuk's anger. 'No, no! Hyuk, don't misunderstand.'

'Explain!' Hyuk snarled.

'Aish you two.' The girl mumbled. She grabbed Hae because she felt he was going to step into the glass just to walk up to Hyuk.

'Stop ing touching him!' Hyuk yelled.

'Then come here and carry him out of this mess!' The girl snapped back.

Hyuk was there in a split second, yanked the girl's hand off his husband and lifted the boy. He carried him and placed him on top of the hallway bench. He growled as the girl tried to get closer to them. 'Now leave!'

She smiled inwardly and did as she was told.

Hyuk kneeled and checked Hae's feet for splinters. 'Are you okay?'

'I wasn't coming on to her.' Hae said softly.

Hyuk quickly looked up. 'I know. You aren't into girls. But she is definitely into men and since you are a gorgeous one, well... who could blame her for trying.'

Hae looked away. 'If you care so much you should tell her how you feel.'

'She knows.'

'Right.' Hae felt like crawling into a hole and to never resurface again.

Hyuk frowned and tapped Hae's nose to ensure eyecontact. 'What are you thinking about?'

Hae brushed the older's frown away. 'Be happy from now on, Hyukkie. I'll try to contribute as much to it as I can.' He pulled the other into a tight hug as he felt his heart beating in agony.


'Everyone deserves to be happy.' Hae continued. 'Especially you. So do whatever you want from now on, just promise me you'll be happy. It's my time to protect you.' Hae pulled away, cupped the astonished Hyuk and kissed him tenderly before he got up and left.

'Baby...' Hyuk whispered watching his husband leave his sight. But I can't have the one thing I want. I can't have you.


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970 streak #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙