Chapter Thirty Four

In too deep

In the middle of his shift, Hae got called to the waiting room again. This time he was met with his impatient husband.

'Hyukkie!' Hae smiled.

Tension seemed to leave Hyuk for a bit when he saw Hae unharmed and happy walking up to him. 'Can we talk in private?'

'Sure, follow me.' Hae said as he led the way into an empty room.

Hyuk closed the door behind him and pulled Hae near.  'I've missed you.' He mumbled his gaze going from the boy's eyes to his lips.

'Kiss me.' Hae whispered.

Their mouths were so close.

'God yes.' Hyuk said and leaned in, one hand next to Hae's head on the wall, the other around the younger's waist. The kiss started innocent enough, just a touching of the lips, a small against the bottom lip, a clear pleading to let him in. When Hae teased a little and wouldn't budge, Hyuk got more agressive, his thumb going under Hae's shirt and the skin above his hip bone, knowing it was sensitive. It worked. Hae melted against his husband, allowing him to deeply kiss him with all his passion. Hae opened his legs a bit more, allowing his spouse to press himself even closer while their tongues went at it, making them both dizzy and needy for more.

'Don't you have a break?' Hyuk panted against his lips.

'Break? I just had lunch, why would I...' But Hae got interrupted by Hyuk pressing his lower half firmly against him. Hae's eyes widened as he felt how his husband was.


That caused Hyuk to growl a little and attack those lips again. He knew they couldn't get further. He reluctantly pulled away a little, chuckling when he heard Hae protest.

'When is your shift over, baby?' Hyuk whispered.

'At seven, can we eat dinner together?' Hae asked, hopeful.

'I don't know yet, if I'm not home by eight, eat something small, okay? We can eat together afterwards.'

Hae nodded. Then he started fidgeting.


'You heard about Minho, right.' Hae glanced up and saw Hyuk's jaw clench.


'Are you mad?'

'No. Just be careful, don't trust him.'

'I need to contact him though.'

Hyuk froze.

Hae quickly hugged him. 'His father is a patient, I need Minho and his brother to visit him. Please.'

Hyuk closed his eyes, breathed in and nodded. He was rewarded with a kiss on his cheek.

'I have to get back to work.'

'I know. Wait for me tonight!' Hyuk said, stealing one more kiss before he let the other go.


'Increasing the amount of bodyguards is ridiculous.' Kyu said as he had his feet up on Hyuk's desk while looking out the window.


'Hyuk, seriously, he has 3 men on him, another one would just be in the way. What does Heechul say?'

'Ugh, what you just said.'


'Wipe that smirk off your face, brat.'

Kyu's gaze shifted to his best friend. 'Hyuk?'


'It's nice to see you in love.'

Hyuk paled and turned away. 'Let's get back to work.'


'That will be all, Cho.'


Hae arrived home, all smiley because of another text message he had received of his husband, reminding him to wait for him. He quickly replied and went to their bedroom. He picked Deedee off the floor and put it on his side of the bed before he went to take a shower. He felt refreshed and decided to go downstairs to wait for Hyuk. After another thirty minutes of wandering in the living room, turning the tv on and within a minute back off again, he got up and went to Hyuk's study to look for a book or some kind of distraction. He opened the door and inhaled Hyuk's scent. He felt better already. He looked around and saw that the door of the small safe was still open, he wanted to close it when he stepped on some papers. He quickly picked them up. He froze when his eye fell on a familiar name: Lee Corporation. An ill feeling came over Hae as he looked closer.


Hyuk came home, a bit worried since Hae hadn't replied to his last message he had sent ten minutes ago. Maybe I messaged him too much today? He went into the kitchen to find it empty, he frowned.

'Hae?' He yelled.

'In your study.' He heard Hae yell back.

Hyuk grinned as he quickly walked up to his office. He found Hae at his desk, when the boy looked up, Hyuk's world stopped turning.

'Hae, what's wrong, baby?' He ran up to his husband but something told him not to touch him.

'Please sit.' Hae said rigidly.

Hyuk dropped himself on a chair.

'Explain this.' Hae shoved some papers towards him.

Hyuk's worried stare went from the younger to the papers in front of him and he paled.

'Why do you have such detailed financial statements about Lee Corp? Look at the date you've printed those, they go way back.' Hae said softly. His voice was faltering.  'D-d-did you ruin my parents' company?'


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970 streak #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙