Chapter Two

In too deep

His dad's eyes went a little upwards and met Heechul's alarmed ones.

'Yeah, he wants you.'

Hae blinked, completely confused. 'I don't understand.'

'Of course we refused.'

'Why me? To do what?'

'Don't worry about it, Donghae.'

'Father, please answer me.'

'He wants to marry you for the title.'

Heechul's body was on full alert now. He forgot his place. 'What?!'

'Can't we just give our title to him?' Hae said weakly.

'Don't be stupid, Hae, you know it doesn't work like that.' Heechul snarled. He had sworn to protect this boy and by god he would.

Hae looked at his parents.

Heechul knew that look. 'Donghae, no.'

'Mum, dad, let me meet the guy.' Hae said calmly.

'Over my dead body!' Heechul hissed. 'No way you are meeting an old senile ert!'

'No, Hae, please, no!' His mum finally spoke, knowing her son's nature.

'Mum, there is no harm in meeting him, now is there?' Hae said softly.

'Son, I'll have to say no.' His dad spoke firmly.

'You always taught me the values of life, appa. Thousands and thousands of people are depending on us. I value their lives.' Hae stated.


'A Mr. Lee Donghae to see you, sir.' Hyuk's secretary informed him.

Hyuk's eyes didn't show any surprise. 'Let him in, Onew.'

Hyuk forced himself to stay calm. He knew money always got him everything he wanted.

The door opened again and Onew came in with a young man.

'Leave us.' Hyuk ordered and Onew quickly disappeared.

Hyuk got up and started circling the boy. 'Surgery won't be needed, but you need to put on a little weight.'

'Excuse me?' Hae said, a bit weirded out by the man's behaviour. He felt like a piece of meat.

'You are too skinny. I don't want people saying I'm starving my future husband.' Hyuk said. He cupped Hae's face.

The boy tried to pull back but Hyuk was too strong.

'Good genes.' Hyuk mumbled as he eyed Hae's features.

'Mister, I am not here to agree to the proposal.' Donghae said.

'Sure you are, why else would you come running to me?' Hyuk smirked.

'To ask you, no, to beg you to consider all the employees under my dad.'

'I am thinking of them, it's all up to you. You marry me, they will be fine. You don't marry me, they can go find another job.' Hyuk said coldly.

'Don't you have a heart?' Hae whispered.

Hyuk lifted an eyebrow. He was getting impatient. 'Look, kid. I know you don't have a girlfriend, so what's stopping you? It's the solution to all of your problems. Your parents can live like they used to, the employees are saved and you continue to get treated like a princess.' He mocked.

'Marriage is something sacred!' Hae said passionately.

'Don't worry, there won't be a divorce. Ever.' Hyuk said stoically.

'Why do you want this title so badly?' Hae asked, trying to understand the man in front of him.

'Cause it opens the few doors money can't.' Hyuk answered.

'Why me?'

'Ideal timing. Your family is in trouble, I can take advantage of that.'

'Don't you want an heir?'

'I can impregnate someone and then you can adopt that child.'

Hae was overwhelmed. He stumbled a bit.

Hyuk frowned. 'Are you okay? My intel claimed you are in perfect health.'

'I'm fine. I j-just need to sit.' Hae whispered as he quickly sat himself down on a chair.

Hyuk ran to his phone. 'Kyu, get your over here and bring some water.' He barked.

Before anyone could count to ten, the door was hurriedly opened. 'Hyuk, what's wrong?' Kyu asked worriedly.

Hyuk just pointed at the panting boy on the chair.

Kyu went to him. 'Hey, are you okay?'

Hae just nodded.

'Here, have a drink.'  Kyu offered him the water.

Hae slowly regained some control back.

'Who is this?' Kyu asked his best friend.

'Cho Kyuhyun, meet my future husband, Lee Donghae.' Hyuk smirked.

'Wow, those pictures don't do you any justice at all.' Kyu blurted out.

Hae wasn't even listening. He was thinking, desperately. Faces of his mum, his dad, the employees, Heechul... in a way they all depended on the decision he had to make. He closed his eyes and breathed in. Slowly he opened them and looked up, meeting the cold ones of Lee Hyukjae, the genius behind Lee International.

'I have a few conditions.' Hae said emotionless.

'Of course you do.' Hyuk smirked victoriously.

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970 streak #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙