Chapter 1




"I never thought looking for a job is this hard. I'm missing college so much" I pressed the send button.
Today must really be a busy day, I am hoping to be hired soon. I don't wanna waste everything that I learned in college. 
I ate everything that I could in the cafeteria, and checked my phone after, hoping that taecyeon would bother to say sorry.
From: fany
To: sica
I know, right? Thanks to tae, His parents hired me in their company. Lol :) he's the sweetest. 
From: hyoyeon
To: sica
Hey, it's been a month since the last time we saw each other. Hoping to see you guys soon. Goodluck! 
From: yuri
To: sica
Hey sica, how are you? Hope you're okay. Take care. 
My college friends are the sweetest, they still have time to reply and send text messages, but taecyeon.. my boyfriend, can't even ask me if i'm still alive. I clenched my fist in anger.
From: sooyoung
To: sica
I miss you guys, we should hang out later. Hope you guys are not that busy :) 5pm here at my condo, don't forget to bring some food and drinks. Thanks!
From: sica
To: college friends
I am looking forward seeing you guys later. :) 
I am finally hired. That company is such a pain in the . I waited for 3hrs for the result. I sighed in relief. I checked my wrist watch, it's already  5:30 pm.. And I think i forgot something, I checked my phone thinking what it was.
12 messages from yuri, yoong, fany and sooyoung and 8 missed calls from yuri
Oh , I forgot. 
Yul is calling.
"Jess where are you? Are you okay?" He said, his voice is husky and i know he is worried
"I'm coming, i am here outside sooyoung's condo" I lied
"I am here at the lobby, they told me to wait for you here, you're lying, i can't see you here.. Where are you exactly? Are you with taecyeon?" He said, oh my is he mad? 
I walked hurriedly. Glad sooyoung's condo unit is not that far from where i applied.. Walking distance yay. "No, i am alone. I am here, i can see you" i said to him and ended the call
"Hey" is the only thing i can say for embarrassment. "You're still late" He grabbed my bag from my hand, but I pulled it away from him. "I can do it myself" my voice is groggy. He's always the one who waits for me, and i know he will ask me where my boyfriend is and why he's not here. "Fine, where's taecyeon? Are you guys still together by the way?" He said as we enter the elevator. "We're still together, but.." He didn't let me finish "But you're still fighting? That man is sick, why would he let his girlfriend out in the evening alone." The elevator dinged and i didn't say anything, why is he always mad.. Kwon yuri is the only man i know who has a PMS. I rolled my eyes at him.
He opened the door for me and i entered the room silently. I can see them looking at us, i dropped my bag nonchalantly and said hi. I hugged sunny, fanny, seohyun, yoong, sooyoung, hyo and his girl nicole. It is really awkward knowing that all of them are together and my boyfriend is not here. Poor yul, loner.
Kwon yuri is smart, hottie and girls run after him. I liked him back then, but i realized we're just best friends. He is a friend who's always mad because he is worried, and he did not leave me ever since. We're very close. I even slept in his house, but after having my first boyfriend we never had a chance to hang out together alone, except when all of our friends are there. People always tease us even our friends and family, but we just ignore everything and make fun about it.
Taecyeon & i become boyfriend and girlfriend when we were in 4th year college. He was my crush. We always fought, but i really love him. I am not sure if he loves me, but i don't wanna lose him. Every time we had a fight i always talk to yuri over the phone or text him. I can't understand why yuri is not that close to me personally anymore he's so much different when we were texting. Yuri never had a girlfriend even when he was in high school. I asked him if he's a gay or something but the only thing he said was "I don't need to rush things for the girl i love. She has a slow brain. I am sure she will realize something someday, and you know how good i am in waiting sica" He smiled and hit me on my forehead after that. I am so happy to know that he is not gay. his hotness should be used in pleasing girls not guys.
"Sica, where is taecyeon?" Yoong said. I gulped hard, I can't tell them i am having an argument with him again.. I already know what they will say if I spill the beans break up with him and date my best friend kwon yuri i sighed. "So sica where is he?" Taeyeon asked "I don't know. We are having arguments right now" I said and drank the glass of soju on the table "I expected you to answer that" sunny said. I can see kwon yuri staring blankly on her phone. "Why don't we ask yul about his love life?" I grinned "You're changing the topic sica" fany said, i glared at her and mouthed some words "Shut up".. "He's a hopeless romantic and a " yoong laughed and kissed seohyun on her cheek "At least i don't do pda like you do" yuri hit yoong in the head. All of us stop when seohyun pointed hyoyeon and nicole who's kissing on the sofa. Sooyoung threw the pillow on hyoyeon's head to stop them "woops video saved" taeyeon said. "You are so gonna die kim taeyeon" hyoyeon is panting, he wants more.
"Sorry unnie, oppa" nicole said, her cheeks are red and can't even talk, she's a 4th year college student, we are her seniors.. She's the only girl who stayed with hyoyeon this long. It's been 2 years already, hyoyeon must be so into her. His past girlfriends lasts 1 or 2 months only. 
It's 12 midnight, and looks like all of us are drunk. I feel like throwing up and my head hurts so bad that i can't even get up. Yul is beside me sitting, his head is leaning on the sofa. I reached my hands to wake him up. "Yu-yulll.." I can't even say his name right "Jessica?" He said, oh he's not drunk.. tipsy maybe. "Help me! I need to go to the bathroom, i'm so dizzy, i want to throw up" i am unconsciously making vomit sounds, i hope yuri understood what i said. He stood up and carried me to the bathroom, i stood up in front of the toilet and vomited. He is patting my back "i told you earlier not to drink too much".. "I can't remember you saying that" i said while vomiting, this is embarrassing & gross. "I'll just get some wet towel, be careful." 
He wiped my face and continued patting my back. "Thanks yul." I fell on my knees and hugged the toilet "Taecyeon" i cried "Gosh, sica that's gross, stand up." He smiled, helped me sit on the chair and gave me a hot black coffee. "You hugged the toilet, i should've took a picture of you and your taecyeon" he's laughing. "Shut up yuri, i am dizzy and i want to throw up.. ON YOUR FACE" i clenched my fist and threw the towel he gave me on his face. "Eww. Idiot, you should go back to sleep. You're drunk" he said.
Can't believe I am with yuri, taecyeon is the one who should be here.. That man. I sighed.
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JJIY2270 #1
Chapter 3: don't forget to update soon

Chapter 3: plz update soon
Chapter 3: Update soon please