The End

From Letter to Ever After
Happily Ever After
Happily Ever After
Kring! The school bell has rung, marking the end of a yet monstrous day for Jina. Everyone at school is busy talking about the prom which will be held in another two days. What was worse, Jina was forced to go to the prom due to the fact that she was one of the prom committee member (which she was force to join in anyway).

Jina walked her way to the grassy school field where her bestfriend, Ailee, was waiting for her. When she arrived, she slumped her bag down on the bleacher and laid down with her head on the bag. She crossed her leg mid air while lying. “Kill me, now.”

Ailee looked at her weirdly. She pulled the earphone away from her ears. “Well, Jina. I would love to but sadly, no. Because...” She trailed off.

Jina lazily asked with her eyes close. “Because...?”

Ailee inched closer to get a view of Jina’s face. She had a huge grin on her flawless face. “It’s because…someone asked you to the prom!” She squealed excitedly.

With a puzzled and skeptical look, Jina abruptly sat up and demanded for a clear explanation. “Who on Milky Way would want me as a prom date?”

Ailee rested her arm around Jina’s shoulder. “You see, someone asked me to do him a favour. He asked me to get you to go to prom with him.” She said, and then looked around, she finally whispered. “He has liked you since sophomore year. Believe me; you will definitely like him as well. You may torture me to death if I’m wrong about you liking him.”

Jina tried to think of the crushes she has. She twitched a brow, “Is it Taemin?”

Ailee shook her head in disapproval. Jina continued to throw random names. “Is it Myungsoo? Luhan?” She asked but Ailee kept on shaking her head.

“Forget it. You're not telling me anyway right?” Jina snickered at Ailee and stood on her feet, slunging her bag on her right shoulder. She walked away in annoyance. Aish, she's just making me curious.

She walked over to the bus stand. While she was waiting, someone suddenly looped an arm around her neck and pulled her behind in a playful manner.

“Aha! Running away from me, ey, Miss Prom Queen wannabe?” Daehyun laughed.

Meet Daehyun, Jina’s best friend for life, minus Ailee. He is one charming guy, playful, pabo, caring, and to conclude, he is what every girl dreams of having. His ‘fans’ called him Busan's Wonbin.

Daehyun puckered his thick red lips near to Jina’s face. At the sight of those kissable lips, her heart gave out a fast thumping sound. Hey, who doesn’t get nervous when a hot guy tries to kiss you?

“Give me a kiss. I want a kiss from the prom queen.” He said.

Jina pushed his face out of her face's reach with embarrassment. She literally didn't want any y lips in contact with her lips.

“Eww, Daehyun! Go away! And I'm not and won’t be a prom queen.” She elbowed Daehyun in the belly, making him lost his grip on her neck as he yelped in pain.

“Get back here, Jina!” She ran around in circles away from Daehyun, laughing and teasing each other till the bus finally arrive.

“How's school? Fine?”  Daehyun asked when they queue to get on the bus.

“It was-“

“Jina! Wait! You forgot this from your admirer!” Ailee's voice boomed loudly from behind and she spun around to see Ailee waving a black and purple envelop in mid air. Ailee ran to catch up.

“Your secret admirer asks me to give you this. Here, I forgot to give you this.” She handed it to Jina. Daehyun who was next to her tried to snatch the envelope away but Jina slapped his hand.

Ailee laughed at Daehyun’s hurt expression when Jina hit him. “Anyway, I have to go now. Take care of Jina for me, Dae.” Ailee waved goodbye and walked away.

The two best friends got on bus and had their seats. Along their way home, Daehyun and Jina were unusually quiet. Jina still had the black and purple envelope in her hands. She just stared at it blankly and Daehyun, did the same thing too.

“Are you going to read it now?” He finally asked. Jina looked up to him, her beautiful eyes meet his.

“No, it’s best to read it at home.” She said and tucked it in her pocket. “Why are you curious anyway? Are you jealous that I received a letter from an admirer and you don’t?” She with a sly smile and flipped her hair.

Daehyun ticked her. “Me? Jealous of you? Not! Hey, I have many admirers but it’s just that I’m too awesome to date them.”

“Daehyun, stop tickling!” Jina had warned before she pushed Daehyun’s hands away from her body. People in the bus are starting to give them looks and they quiet down. “You’re not awesome. I am.” She stuck her tongue out.

“I bet your secret admirer is ugly, that’s why he doesn’t show himself.” Daehyun said jokingly.

“Shut up.” A moment of silence before she spoke again, “What’s the reason you don’t date your admirers? I know you have many.”

Because they are not like my princess. The question agitates him. He browsed his mind for a logical answer. “I-I-they’re not my type. I mean yeah, some are my ideal type but-” He rubbed his nape and a sigh slipped out of his mouth.

“But?” Jina leaned in closer and her shoulder bumps his.

 “I already have someone in my heart. But the sad thing is I don’t know whether she loves me.” Immediately, Daehyun’s face flushed with embarrassment and he looked away from Jina. Aish, what have I said? He bit his lower lips and pretended he did not say anything just now.

After a few minutes of another awkard silence,  the bus stops at where he was supposed to drop off. He jumped off his seat quickly, leaving Jina perplexed and left without even saying goodbye or looking back.

“Weird, all this while, he likes someone?” Jina looked at his back view as he went further away from the bus.

That night, after shower, Jina decided to read the letter from her admirer. She dried her wet hair with a towel as she grabbed the letter. It was the first time in her life that someone was willing to give her love letters. She even found it funny that people still send out one.

Instead of reading it in her room, she headed out to a playground near her house. She sat on a swing, rocking it slowly as she began reading the letter.

To the most wonderful girl in the universe, Yoo Jina.

Okay, this is awkward. I have never write a letter to someone before so, you’re lucky to be the first. And maybe the last. Well, here goes nothing; I hope you read it till the end.

I’m just like any other boys my age. It’s normal to fall in love, right? And yes, truthfully I’ve fallen for you. It just happens to be I was mesmerized by you the first time we met. You are not like other girls. You’re special in your own way. I like the way you talk, the way you laugh, the way your eyes twinkle when you’re happy, everything about you, even your flaws. This love t has keep on growing every day. Worried that someone will sense my feeling, I hide them deeply. When I open my eyes every morning, just the thought of you makes me ecstatic. When I see you at school, I keep smiling like an idiot alone. I always think about you and sometimes, I think about…us. Would there ever be us between you and me?

I guess the words I love you are really hard for me to say it face to face. I don’t need to ride a rollercoaster; just being with you would be exciting enough. I don’t need anything else, I just need you. I want to be a part of your life, your source of happiness, your shoulder to cry and someone who you could look forward to everyday. If you could give me that chance, please meet me at prom. I’ll be waiting for you at the school garden.

Last but forever not the least, I love you.

Her heart fluttered. She could felt her cheeks burning pink. Butterflies dance in her stomach. Jina smiled up to her ears.

“This is so…sweet.” Jina clutched the letter close to her heart. Her eyes gazed the sky above. "I really want to know who this person is. But why do I have a feeling like I know this guy?”

“I really hope this will turn out to be good.” Jina said to herself. “Maybe I should go to prom.”

Days have passed ever since she has received the letter. Time flies fast and later one evening, she realized that it was D-Day, Prom night.

Jina had mentally and emotionally prepared herself for prom. When she told Ailee about attending, her friend couldn’t retain herself from being excited. Jina had chosen a peach charlotte georgette gown and Mary Jane pump for the night.

She headed to prom alone. She didn’t want company and she purposely arrived late for prom. Her motive? She wanted no one to spot her going to the school garden to meet her secret prom date.

Every step she took, she could feel the nervousness building up. And it reached its peak when she was at the garden’s entrance. Good luck, Seo Jina. Jina braved herself and stepped into the garden’s compound. She walked slowly, following the soft instrumental music that lead her way until she saw his back view. Wow, this guy even has some background music prepared. She thought.

There he was, surrounded by bushes of variety of flowers. He stood alone, waiting for her. He even prepared a small dinner for the two of them.

“Ehem…” Jina cleared to get his attention. Like in a movie, he slowly spun around to meet her. He was stunned to see how beautiful the girl he loved was that night. He sheepishly smiled at her as he rubbed his nape out of nervousness.

“Hey, princess.” He greeted and stepped closer to Jina.

Jina was totally, definitely in shock. It was really him! Him! The boy she had been crushing on since the first time they met. The boy that had stole her heart but she pretended not to care about her feelings when he’s with him. “Daehyun? So, it was you?” Daehyun nodded shyly.

“Wow, you’re one greasy boy are you?” Jina giggled and closen their gap. “Pabo” She said, hiding a smile.

“What? I’m no pabo. I’m your prince charming.” Daehyun chuckled and looked down at her.

“You’re not my prince charming…yet.” She said softly.

“Then how about I be your prince starting from now?” Daehyun had his hands around her waist as he pulled her closer. A landed a soft and quick peck on Jina’s lips. “I love you, Seo Jina. Will you be mine?”

Jina already knew her answer but she hesitated for a few seconds, not wanting to be obvious. “How about…” She tip toed on her feet and kissed him back quickly. “Yes. I would love too.”

“So…I guess you’ve liked me all this while?” Daehyun grinned.

“Oh please, said the boy who has liked me all this while too.” She said.

“God, you’re one cunning girl. I love you. And I promise that we’ll be together for infinity. I was thinking, how about we head to somewhere more private.”

Jina looked at him, confused. “What?”

“Let’s find a room now.”

“Yah! Jung Daehyun!”

[ author's notes — Finally! It's up! I hope you guys like it. I'm not so good at writing fluff/cute scenes. Hope to see some comments soon. Don't forget to subscribe or maybe if you're kind, do upvote! Oh, it's a perfect timing since it's Dae's birthday today. Happy Birthday Jung Daehyun!
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Chapter 1: Good story! :D
Chapter 1: Great story, the milky way part was really funny
Chapter 1: "Who on the Milky way..." That sentence was so funny!
Awww Jina and Daehyun are so cute! Another best friends to lovers - success! :D Thanks for the sweet story! Congrats on finishing it
I just saw that you have this story! Sounds interesting! Why do you always have such nice posters and background? Hahaha.