Chapter 1: an ugly grey ikea futon that used to be in Gaara's bedroom.

Two gay men and one biual move into a house together. you can guess what happens next.
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It was 30 degrees in the summer heat, Naruto (shirtless) Sasuke (also shirtless) and Gaara (wearing all black) laid out on the lounge room floor, sweat pouring from their bodies, panting hard from the absolute effort it had taken to get Gaara's futon into their third floor apartment.

Sasuke and Naruto had lived there for three years and had not ever thought of buying a couch. They hadn't needed one due to the fact that the tv had sat on top of a cardboard box, and they had sat on the floor.

Unlike ward of the state Naruto and Sasuke, Gaara was from a upper-middle class family and he refused to sit on the ground. On principle.

He sat up and glanced about frowning. "Don't you have a TV unit?"

"Nah." Naruto replied also sitting up."We sold it to buy the tv."

"Whats the point of a tv without a tv unit?" His frowned deepened. He had no eyebrows but the creases between above his nose left no mistake about how he felt at the lack of furniture.

Naruto shrugged. "Box works fine."

Gaara sighed. He had jumped at the chance to move out of home and leave his ty father behind like both of his siblings before him, but it was going to be very different than he expected. He'd have to ask his older sister to aquire a tv unit. He stood up and dusted himself off. He'd need a shower if this heat persists.

"Do you have aircon?" He asked glancing up at the walls hoping to see a white box. There was none, of course.

"There's a window one in Sasukes room- I mean our room. You can drag your mattress into our room at night if you want"

Gaara glanced at Naruto. "Are you sure it's okay? Me staying here?"

He was hinting at the fact that it was a two bedroom flat, and Naruto had given up his own room for Gaara to move in.

"Sure" Sasuke said, finally sitting up "Naruto has been sleeping in my room for the past three weeks anyway"

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