chapter one

Somaek, sodrunk
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English is not my first language, I tried my best to avoid mistakes. If something went unnoticed, I'm sorry!


Poor Kang Seulgi and her broken heart, Seungwan thought. Six months had already passed and her friend was still feeling the pain of being rejected by her ex. Six months should be enough, she kept thinking as she tried to keep up with her slightly drunk friend's hurried and clumsy steps. She knew that Seulgi wasn't mourning the loss of the one who should not be named, no. When that announced the end of the relationship, she destroyed Seulgi's self-esteem in the process.

The sweet, kind, affectionate, faithful, talented, beautiful, and charismatic Kang Seulgi. The best human being on the planet – losing only to Park Sooyoung, in Seungwan's opinion – was humiliated with brutal, unnecessary, and completely untrue words! That human trash even dared to sleep with another woman before breaking up with the Kang girl. And that ruined Seungwan's best friend's social skills.

It took a month for Seulgi to smile again, thanks to Sooyoung adopting a dog and sending a video of her being suddenly attacked by the furball. Two months before Seulgi finally agrees to go to karaoke with Yerim and her high school friends. Within three months, Seulgi invited her best friend and her girlfriend to eat a barbecue, declaring that she was no longer sad about the end of the relationship. The fourth and fifth months were strange, with the newly single girl wanting to go out to drink and meet new people. It was a good sign, in Sooyoung's opinion, but Seungwan was the one who accompanied her friend almost every time she called.

She witnessed how the sweet, kind, caring, faithful, talented, beautiful, charismatic, and naturally enchanting-of-the-ladies Kang Seulgi became a useless lesbian. Seulgi never flirts directly, Seungwan thought during one of the many nights drinking alongside her friend at the bar. She didn't need that because women used to throw themselves at her. They still did! The problem was with Seulgi herself, who could no longer keep the light conversation or say the right words to seal the deal.

Her mind was occupied with crude and unnecessary words about her personality, words that she began to doubt could be true. Maybe that woman was right, she thought instead of thinking of a compliment for the woman in front of her. And that was why people interested in Seulgi gave up on her and left her alone at the bar counter. That behavior was almost becoming a vicious cycle. Seungwan was happy and relieved when Seulgi called at the beginning of the week to invite her to a wine tasting on Saturday instead of the usual bar.

Seungwan didn't understand how four glasses of wine in two hours, fancy hams and cheeses, and truffle salads made Seulgi drunk. She had consumed the same amount and was fine! It was early evening that Saturday and the two friends were walking on the sidewalks of Seoul with leaves covering the ground. Every now and then Seulgi would kick some of the leaves and complain to the wind about her romantic life. Seungwan didn't see a problem with that, except when she needed to run to stop her friend from falling on her .

She was feeling uncomfortable when Seulgi started shouting those words, making people on the streets look at the two of them. Seungwan would think it was funny if she witnessed that, but it wasn't funny because it was her friend screaming things like “I'm funny!” or “I can be romantic!” and “I’m easily a 9 if I straighten my hair and stop wearing sweatpants!”. And Seulgi kept shouting “I’m not the best cook, but at least I try!” along with “And I’m a great kisser too!” and when she indignantly shouted “Why doesn’t anyone want to go out with me?” that's what made Seungwan's heart break a little.

That question, or perhaps the set of everything that Kang Seulgi shouted, aroused a reaction from someone passing by, much to Seungwan's horror. She feared that her friend's raised voice would anger a citizen – calling the police was a high possibility. However, she didn't expect to hear an equally loud and slurred female voice shout “Yah! I want to go out with you!” followed by giggles. That sound, those giggles Seungwan would recognize anywhere because it was Sooyoung's sweet sound.

Following the sound, Seungwan and Seulgi spun around and found two women standing on the sidewalk still laughing in their world. And Seungwan was right, that was her perfect girlfriend with that sweet laugh, her pink cheeks after drinking, and her long black hair blowing in the wind. The other woman was almost a copy of Sooyoung, being shorter, much paler, and stupidly beautiful. She must be the cousin from Daegu, Seungwan thought before jealousy entered her head.

“I'll go out with you,” the woman repeated pointing at Seulgi with much more confidence and fewer giggles.

Despite being on the edge of drunkenness, Seulgi could perfectly remember the first time she saw Bae Joohyun. She would tell that story countless times, years after that event, to anyone who asked how they started dating. More specifically, what their first date was like. And Seulgi would say how she fell in love at first sight even if she had to narrow her eyes to focus on the two women in front of her.

There was Park Sooyoung, Shon Seungwan's first and only love, and a short, gorgeous stranger – the future love of Kang Seulgi's life. Seulgi wanted to say that she got her mojo, her good juju, and her magnetic charm back and said something that changed the course of humanity and hooked Joohyun’s heart. But she couldn't because all she could do was point at herself with a confused face and wait for the unknown goddess next to Seungwannie's goddess to say something.

“If you’re funny, romantic, and want to cook,” the words came out slowly and slurred, “I’ll ing date you.”

Sooyoung laughed some more, blaming the bottles of soju, the five somaek she drank and God only knows how many glasses of beer. A huge amount compared to what her cousin consumed. Sooyoung had a high tolerance for alcohol, it was a skill developed when living on an extremely touristy island – people always wanted to buy her drinks, even when she was underage. However, she was afraid that Joohyun would take too many somaek and become sodrunk. Yep! That was super funny in Sooyoung's head.

The two spent the day unpacking Joohyun's things in the spare room of Sooyoung's apartment. The room where Seulgi used to sleep after girls' night and, more recently, when she didn't want to feel alone after the breakup. The idea of ​​living together came years ago when Joohyun – still living in Daegu, was going on vacation with her family in Jeju and dreamed of going to Seoul with her younger cousin.

But going to college ended up being Bae Joohyun's priority, she would finish her studies before leaving Daegu for good. On the other hand, Sooyoung decided to leave Jeju Island right after graduating high school.

She got a job as a barista at a cafe in a hipster neighborhood of Seoul, near a big university. That's how she met Seulgi, a regular at the place who always ordered two muffins to go, a black coffee without sugar that she always takes a sip before leaving the store. She also ordered a grapefruit green tea lemonade bubble tea with regular sugar, adding black pearl and coconut to go.

That was a combination that disgusted Sooyoung.

Later, when she started chatting with Seulgi and they became friends, she discovered that the strange bubble tea belonged to Seungwan. The energetic dwarf, with a big brain and an angelic voice, was embarrassed to enter the cafe when she saw Sooyoung working there – speaking of a useless lesbian – and made her friend buy her drink instead.

The two friends study at the university near the cafe. Seungwan studying Music Production and Engineering, given that making music is her passion. She was working part-time at a large Pop music company in Seoul, already receiving credits for a few songs. While Seulgi was doing Visual Arts, dreaming of working in television someday. She had a creative soul, loved writing weird scripts, and wanted to be a K-drama director.

Sooyoung didn't stay as a barista much longer, she became a model. One day she tried her luck in one of those widespread tests looking for beautiful people. Park Sooyoung was beyond normal beauty, charismatic, and tall, well above average for Korean women. She did some advertising campaigns and was starting her acting career.

Over the years in Seoul, she would comment to her girlfriend and friend how her cousin, who studied in Daegu, was ten times prettier than her. Seungwan faithfully doubted while Seulgi didn't absorb the information, too busy with anything else. Sooyoung didn't help prove her point by never showing a photo of this supposedly goddess-level cousin.

The cousin, Bae Joohyun, is five years older than Sooyoung, and three in the case of Seulgi and Seungwan. She studied law and specialized in divorce cases, a very lucrative field. She is a young lawyer with a promising future who finally got a good job at a firm in Seoul.

“I’m tired of people who ask me out and can’t handle other people looking at me,” Joohyun grumbled approaching her new target, poor Kang Seulgi. “You seem confident enough.”

What Seungwan, much less Seulgi, had noticed were the two women following them for at least ten minutes or so. Park Sooyoung recognizes her tiny girlfriend in a sea of ​​people anytime. She was walking lazily with her cousin, looking for a place to eat, when Seungwan hurriedly passed by their side chasing Seulgi. She almost felt offended that she hadn't been recognized by her girlfriend.

Instead of approaching Seungwan to help her take care of a slightly drunk Seulgi, Sooyoung preferred to follow them closely and laugh at the two friends.

Joohyun, despite feeling a little dizzy, managed to recognize the two women after a few minutes. Well, she asked her cousin if they were really who she thought they were, just in case. Sooyoung didn't show photos of Joohyun because she didn't usually take photos, but Sooyoung showed photos of Seungwan and Seulgi to her cousin when they traditionally met in Jeju. Joohyun would be able to recognize the two even when looking at them from behind during that walking.

As she saw Seulgi running and kicking leaves on the sidewalk, Joohyun remembered finding her eyes beautiful in those photos. She also remembered thinking the style of Seulgi's clothes was rea

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264 streak #1
Chapter 1: Super cute! Thank you author! 🧡
433 streak #2
Chapter 1: Seulrene are adorable 🥰 lol joohyuns scream rip everyone's eardrums 🤣
Chapter 1: More please
Chapter 1: joohyun being loud as af wbk 😂😂 so excited for this story to unfold
manechu28 #5
Chapter 1: so sweet..
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeee😭🤍🤍
Chapter 1: Such an adorable story 😍
1060 streak #8
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: So cute hehehhe wish for this to be a multi shot 🤧👉👈