
Don't worry, I'm here

Minjeong blinked and suddenly she’s in her first year in uni. She took a step forward and thoughts came surging in. She was finally in university while also being in a course which she sought out for. Minjeong hesitated quite a lot with what to do for university as the thought alone was enough to scare her. Eventually she came to a final decision to enter med school. Somehow it was a passion that sparked brightly— that and also the fact that her best friend is also in med school. The same best friend who Minjeong holds feelings for.


“Unnie, I'm worried.” She whispered as she turned to look at Jimin, the said best friend.


Jimin would always look back at her fondly before whispering, “don’t worry, I'm here.


It was enough to calm Minjeong’s nerves as she inhaled deeply and preparing herself for the excruciating years of her life, but it was okay. It was okay because Jimin is with her.


Although Minjeong was charming and attractive—she still preferred the comfort of being alone. Jimin on the other hand was the opposite. She was outgoing and friendly, it took less than a year for her name to spread like wildfire. Minjeong remained on the side, watching as Jimin would stop to greet and converse with other people. If the younger girl were to admit it, she’s happy for Jimin. She’s happy seeing how much her smile would reach her eyes each time she enjoyed the conversation with the person, she’s happy to hear the sound of Jimin’s laugh when the person she’s talking to would crack a silly dad joke, she’s happy with this Jimin. 


But if you were to ask one thing that she adores, it is when Jimin would randomly stop by at her apartment and would immediately usher Minjeong to rest with her as both would plop down on the couch, huddled close together as if the couch wasn’t big enough to fit them both. Jimin’s head resting on Minjeong’s lap prompting Minjeong the chance to play with Jimin’s hair as the older girl would go on about her week. 


It’s only then that Minjeong could see Jimin’s exhaustion, how tired she actually was despite the fact that her eyes were able to deceive everyone. Jimin could fool the entire university, but not Minjeong. No, never will it fool her. To Minjeong, Jimin was her favorite book, easy to read and easy to love.


As much as Minjeong would like to deny it, she wasn’t that subtle with her feelings as anyone could see from a mile away how Minjeong stares at Jimin. Her stare held so much emotion that she looked at Jimin as if she had placed the stars above, as if Jimin had gifted her the moon, and as if Jimin was her pillar. Loving Jimin, as cliche as it was, is as easy as breathing. 




The way they first met was quite something. It was during high school when Minjeong decided to make use of the school library to study. To study until she passed out as her exams were just around the corner and this being her last year, she knew she needed to do well. A mental note had been pasted on her head that getting consistent good grades would guarantee a scholarship to her dream university. 


With how often she pushed past her exhaustion, she felt lightheaded. Closing her eyes, she tries to soothe the headache by massaging her temple but with how focused she was with her headache, she failed to notice how her nose was already bleeding. “Excuse me,” she opened her eyes and she could’ve sworn that miraculously, her sight had looked brighter, more colorful the longer she stared at the person in front of her. “Uhm.. your nose is bleeding, take this.” Minjeong panicked as she wiped her nose with the side of her palm and saw blood, she looked up again at the stranger who had her hand reached out, a handkerchief resting between her fingertips. 


“I-it’s okay– I can manage.” She politely declined as she covered her nose, the stranger however had other plans as she reached out to hold Minjeong’s free hand before handing the handkerchief. “You should take breaks from time to time.” She scolded, Minjeong couldn’t even get the chance to say her thanks as the stranger had already walked away.


That was the first time Minjeong laid eyes on Yu Jimin.


Minjeong swore that perhaps that was the last she’ll ever see that student. It seemed unlikely for them to bump into each other with how big their school was. However it seemed like the universe had their own plans as the second time they met again was an interesting coincidence. 


With her family struggling financially, this prompted Minjeong to take up part time jobs. One included working at a cafe, the other included working at a convenience store. She often worked during the weekends whenever she had classes and would work full-time during school breaks or over the summer. Somehow she manages to find a leeway in ensuring that she could juggle and keep both jobs with her plan of taking up night shifts at the convenience store and later would spend her afternoon working at the cafe. 


To say that she was overworking herself would be an understatement as even when she reaches home, her first instinct was to study, not to rest. She despised resting, she had it glued to her thoughts that if she rests now, it would be a waste of time. So instead she convinces herself that she can be productive instead and study.


During her shifts at the convenience store, she clocked in at quarter to 9 pm. What she often liked yet feared about working late at night is it’s always so silent. She would see people who looked equally exhausted as she was and would sometimes get old drunk men asking for her number. 


Tonight was different as when the clock reached quarter to 5 am which should be Minjeong’s out and about the time her co-worker would take over, the bell chimed, she greeted the customer who entered and was surprised to see the very same stranger who had handed her a handkerchief. The only difference is that the person in front of her didn’t look like the bubbly person she shortly talked to. 


Although her hoodie was enough to cover her face, when they locked eyes it’s only then Minjeong noticed how her eyes were red, her cheeks were covered with dry tear stains, even with her hoodie it was clear to Minjeong how her hair looked ruffled, this sight felt too close to home to Minjeong. It felt similar to those moments when Minjeong is frustrated as to why she can’t comprehend her lessons. 


“O-oh, it’s you.” Her voice raspy as if she had been screaming, even though it was evident that she wasn’t okay, she managed to muster a smile. “We met inside the library, correct?” Minjeong carefully asked, and an idea had struck her as she reached deep inside her pockets. 


Feeling the familiar cloth on her hand, she pulled it out and there it was, the pretty stranger’s handkerchief. “I washed it, and I tend to just bring it with me everywhere I go.” She shyly admitted, the most Minjeong could do was wait as the stranger seemed shocked by what Minjeong had said. 


“I’m sorry you had to see me like this.” She gestured to herself but Minjeong quickly shook her head before handing out the stranger’s handkerchief. “You don’t have to be sorry, it’s just us two here.” She reassured, “and I’m not one to judge if someone clearly had a horrible night.” She tries to lighten the mood, and luckily enough, it worked as the stranger let out a small laugh as she accepted the handkerchief that was originally hers. 


She gulped, she might as well take the chance to introduce herself to the stranger.


“I’m Minjeong by the way, Kim Minjeong.” With her free hand, she reached out to shake hands with the stranger.


“Nice to meet you Minjeong, I’m Jimin. Yu Jimin.” As they shook hands, Minjeong's smile had reached her eyes as she nods her head, “I hope we get to see each other often at school?” She hoped, “you still want to see each other despite seeing me in this state?” Jimin asked.


It was then Minjeong instantly knew that this had been the first time someone had said those words to Jimin, “why wouldn’t I? We’re still human beings, Jimin-ssi.” Tears seemed to well up once more causing Minjeong to panic, timely enough her co-worker had entered. 


“Minjeongie hello—whoa what happened here?” Aeri, Minjeong’s co-worker halted on her steps when she sees Jimin crying, “what did you do?” 


“I didn’t do anything!” Minjeong looked at her clearly offended by what Aeri had accused her of. “I’ll explain later, I’ll clock out and deal with this.” The most Aeri could do was nod her head as Minjeong disappeared inside the staff room to quickly clock out.


By the time Minjeong left the staff room, now wearing her clothes, she quickly approached Jimin who had bought a few snacks. “I’ll see you later, Aeri unnie!” 


“You’ve got some explaining to do.” She playfully glared, Minjeong scoffs as she waves goodbye while walking beside Jimin. 




“How are you feeling now, Jimin-ssi?” Minjeong asked as she glanced at Jimin who was silently munching on the snacks she bought. There happened to be a playground nearby and Minjeong figured they could stay on the swings as the sun started setting. “A lot better now honestly.” She whispered, Minjeong could only hum as a response before facing the sunrise.


“I’m glad to hear that.” Minjeong smiled, still not facing Jimin who was rocking the swing slowly. “I didn't expect to see you there of all places.” Jimin admitted, this makes Minjeong finally turn to look at her. 


There wasn't a look of regret written on her features, instead relieved painted on her expression as they locked eyes. “But I'm glad it was you.” 


And Minjeong swore she felt her heart leap at the sight of Jimin and the light from the sunrise, touching her features softly making her glow even further as if there wasn't a dark cloud looming all around her when she entered the convenience store.


Without an ounce of hesitation Minjeong whispers, “I’m glad it was me too, Jimin-ssi–” Minjeong pauses for a second, and so this was the start of their most common line as the younger girl smiles fondly before whispering, “don’t worry, I'm here.


The conversation shortly after seemed to never end as both couldn't bring themselves to stop talking. It was when Minjeong found out that they were in the same year, just in different sections. Despite this, Jimin is a year older making Minjeong feel embarrassed with how she probably must've seemed informal with Jimin during the first half of their conversations. Jimin laughed at the younger girl's concern before reassuring her that it was better if Minejong was this comfortable with her.


By the time the morning sun was starting to burn rather than soothe their skins, they both agreed to part ways. This was also the time when they exchanged numbers and soon talked about how they should hang out more often and with how their schedule was practically the same, they found it more chances to spend quality time. 


If there was one thing that developed almost instantly between the two, it is when Jimin teased Minjeong quite a lot. Normally, Minjeong would despise being teased but she could never bring herself to tell Jimin to stop, not when Jimin looks at her with those lips formed in a pout, eyes wide and eyebrows bunched together. She's simply weak for Jimin and her stares. She does retaliate from time to time but majority of the time, she allows Jimin to continue teasing her. They were always playful and light, Jimin knew where the line was and Minjeong was forever glad about it.




Minjeong should’ve been used to this by now, but being in university felt like a horrible whiplash as suddenly her exams were coming up, just a week later and it’s already her exam week. Minjeong and the thought of exams was like a toxic relationship as the younger girl sees it as a terrible terrible nightmare. She often stayed up late, would have books stacked on top of the other as the rest of her table would have papers scattered all around. Just like the mess in Minjeong’s table, her thoughts were just as the same state. “Minjeongie, I bought some snacks!” Jimin’s voice behind her door was muffled, but it was enough for Minjeong to hear as she turned her chair to face the door and timely enough, there Jimin was peeking at her.


“Did the guards just let you in so casually?” Minjeong raised an eyebrow at Jimin before urging her to come inside. “With how often I come over, they thought it was weirder for me to not stop by at least once a day.” The younger girl could only roll her eyes at Jimin’s words before facing her table again. “How long have you been studying for next week’s exam?” Jimin asked, peeking through Minjeong’s side and eventually resting her chin on Minjeong’s shoulder. Despite how often this happens, Jimin’s clinginess would always continue to surprise Minjeong. She inhales sharply when the smell of Jimin’s perfume would enter her nose, it was soothing. Having Jimin here was reassuring. 


As soon as Minjeong opened , Jimin was quick to stop her. “Wait let me guess— 5 hours?” Minjeong chuckled, “close. 4 hours.” 


“Great! Take a break now.” She grinned as she forced Minjeong to turn her chair to face her. “I’m guessing you haven’t eaten anything, so I bought you food!” 


How could Minjeong not fall for Jimin? The older girl was a walking green flag, so thoughtful, kind and considerate, she even bought Minjeong food when she could’ve just stopped by to relax at her place. When Jimin decided to clean up her table, she set down the food she bought. “I wasn’t entirely sure what you were craving so I bought you different types of food.” Minjeong pouted as she squished her own cheeks. “Unnie, I got a lot of cheek fat because you keep feeding me too much!” She complained, making Jimin pinch her said cheeks. “Minjeongie, you’re all so cute and fluffy.” Jimin grinned, trying not to hurt Minjeong by pinching too hard. 


“Alright,” she stands properly before grinning at Minjeong, “you go eat, I’ll just be here on your bed.” 


Picking up the chopsticks, she carefully opened the container of tteokbokki. A thought had suddenly rushed inside Minjeong’s thoughts, taking a bite she contemplated and hesitated whether or not she should ask.


After she finished taking a bite, she put down her chopsticks. “Unnie,” She whispered, instead of a proper response, she could faintly hear Jimin hum. With Minjeong’s back still facing Jimin she gulps, “how would you react if someone you knew had a crush on you?”


She was met with silence which only worsened her feeling, she shouldn't have asked. She should've kept shut, she should've–


“That depends on who it would be.” 




Minjeong was torn with whether or not what she felt was relief or fear due to Jimin’s response. However she does feel her cheeks burn hotter than the tteokbokki that Jimin had brought as she once again picked up her chopsticks. “Who would it depend on?” She continued to ask, her voice shaky.


Jimin, oblivious to Minjeong’s internal conflict, hopped off the bed and walked towards where Minjeong was. She casually leaned against the table, and her perfume scent soon entered Minjeong’s nostrils once more. “Well,” she started, tilting her head playfully, “if it was someone I cared about deeply, someone who’s well– for obvious reasons kind, smart and perhaps a bit clumsy sometimes,” Minjeong swore she saw Jimin’s eyes flicker to her scattered notes on the other side of the table, “then maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t mind giving things a try.”


Suddenly aware of the tteokbokki’s spice, she choked on it. What was Jimin hinting? Minjeong’s mind starts racing as she tries to search for a coherent response. Suddenly, Jimin’s hand reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Minjeong’s face, her touch lingering slightly longer than necessary. Their eyes met for a second before Jimin cleared .


“A-are you okay?” She asked, “is everything alright?” The concern in Jimin's voice snapped Minjeong out of her jumbled thoughts. She coughed a couple of times, desperately trying to regain her composure. 


“Y-yeah, I'm fine.” She stammered, the spice of the tteokbokki and the sudden weight of Jimin's words had created a confusing swirl of emotions to Minjeong but she tried to hide the obvious reaction.


With how long they’ve known each other, the younger girl knew that even with her response, Jimin would be able to figure her out. Her point had been proven when Jimin frowned, her playful demeanor replaced by a worried expression. “Minjeongie, are you sure? You look flushed.” She reached out a hand, hovering hesitantly near Minjeong's forehead.


Minjeong flinched ever so slightly at the touch, the warmth of Jimin's hand sending a jolt through her. “No, really, I'm okay,” she insisted, forcing a smile. “It's just the tteokbokki– it's a bit spicier than I expected.”


Jimin studied her for a moment longer, her gaze filled with an unspoken question. Before she could even press the issue further, her phone buzzed on the bed. Jimin glanced at the device as she went to retrieve it with a sigh.


“Ah, it's my mom,” she announced. “She's reminding me about my dentist appointment tomorrow.”  


Relief washed over Minjeong, a wave so strong it almost knocked the breath out of her. The sudden shift in focus felt like a lifeline thrown to a drowning sailor.  


“Oh, right,” Minjeong said, forcing a light tone. “You hate the dentist.”


Jimin scrunched up her nose in agreement. “It's the worst, but hey, at least you're stuck with studying tonight while I suffer the wrath of the drill.” She winked at Minjeong, a playful attempt to lighten the mood that hung heavy in the air.  


Minjeong managed a weak smile, her mind still replaying Jimin's earlier words. Were they just a friendly observation, or was there a deeper meaning behind them? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her feeling more confused than ever.


The rest of the evening passed in a blur. Jimin helped Minjeong clean up her study mess, offering encouraging words and gentle teasing as they went. They chatted about their plans for the upcoming break, a familiar comfort settling over them.  


As Jimin prepared to leave, she lingered by the door. “Hey,” she began, her voice soft. “Don't worry too much about the exams. You're smart and hardworking, you'll do great.” 


“And if things don’t turn out well– don’t worry, I’m here.”


Minjeong nodded, then as Jimin leaned down to hug her goodbye, their eyes met once more. In that brief moment, Minjeong thought she saw Jimin glance down at her lips before it snapped back to her eyes and there Minjeong saw– a spark of affection that mirrored the feelings that wreaked havoc in her own heart.  


But before she could decipher it further, Jimin pulled away and stepped out into the hallway. The door closed softly behind her, leaving Minjeong alone with the echo of unspoken words and the simmering uncertainty that continued to burn within her.



With her back on her bed, eyes trained to the ceiling, Minjeong somehow could never forget today’s events. It was like a movie that was stuck on repeat. Jimin’s words, usually her main source of comfort, now continuously echoed in her mind. She felt like she was losing her mind as she weighed whether Jimin’s actions were purely platonic or there were actual hidden messages in Jimin’s playful antics. Minjeong knew that they’ve always been like this, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Jimin always loved to show her affection towards Minjeong through words, gifts and quality time.


Minjeong had always cherished their closeness, their comfortable routine. But after today of all the times when they were friends, a new feeling bubbled beneath the surface - she started yearning for a hope that she couldn’t even decipher whether it was possible or not.


Closing her eyes and memories of them played back. Suddenly she remembers that day when she had called Jimin in the middle of the night because she couldn’t stop mourning over her exam scores. It was their first finals as university students. Minjeong knew she had to step up as she could lose everything so quickly despite how long it took for her to get there.


She couldn’t explain it herself, she knew she tried her best, she even got the highest score. Despite the rankings, in her own perspective she still failed for not getting all marks. She hated herself for it. Somehow in the middle of wallowing over the situation, she finds herself dialing Jimin’s number.


The phone pressed cold against Minjeong's ear, each ring a tiny felt like a hammer blow against her already fragile confidence. Sleep clung to her eyelids, a heavy counterpoint to the anxious whirl stirring up inside her. Finally, Jimin's voice, usually a source of comfort, sounded slightly breathless on the other end.


“Minjeongie? Is everything alright?”


Minjeong choked back a sob. Shame burned in , threatening to choke out the words she desperately needed to say. “Unnie,” she croaked, her voice thick with tears. “I... I messed up.”


Silence stretched on the other end, then suddenly the sounds of sheets ruffling could be heard on the other line. “Minjeongie,” Jimin soothed. “What happened?”


“I.. I messed up with the exams,” she sobbed, Jimin from the other line hummed, “I could’ve gotten all the marks, I really could’ve if I had just studied hard enough.. maybe..” Minjeong couldn’t finish the sentence as she felt out of breath. The disappointment, the self-loathing, the fear of losing everything she'd worked for. As she spoke, Jimin listened patiently, her occasional murmur of understanding as she waited for Minjeong to finish. Suddenly breathing felt like a challenge as she tried to take deep breaths in order to continue.


“Hey, hey, you don’t have to force yourself to continue, okay?” Jimin said her voice was firm but laced with concern. “I’m coming over, I’ll be there in 10 minutes, wait for me.” 


Minjeong's breath hitched. It was past midnight, and despite their closeness, she'd never called Jimin over in such a state. But the thought of facing her despair alone was unbearable.


True to her words, before it reached 10 minutes the sound of knocking sent a wave of relief to Minjeong. She sat up, wiping her tear-stained cheeks as opened the door, when Jimin hurried in, her face etched with worry.


“Minjeongie,” Jimin exclaimed, rushing to her side and pulling her into a hug. The warmth of Jimin's embrace was a balm to Minjeong's soul. She buried her face in Jimin's shoulder, letting out the sobs she'd been holding back.


Jimin held her tight, whispering comforting words that blurred into a soothing hum. Slowly, the storm in Minjeong's chest began to subside, leaving behind a shaky calm.


When she finally pulled away, sniffling, Jimin cupped her face, her thumb gently wiping away a stray tear. “Look at me,” Jimin said, her eyes searching Minjeong's. “You did your best. Exams are stressful, everyone feels like they messed up, but you know what?” She smiled slightly, “you have another chance next semester and I want you to always remember that I'll be here for you every step of the way."


Don’t worry, I’m here.” Minjeong whispered and Jimin grinned, “exactly, I’m here for you. We’re here for each other.”


Minjeong stared back, her heart swelling with a gratitude that went beyond words. In that moment, the weight of her anxieties seemed to lessen. Jimin wasn't just a friend; she was an anchor, a safe harbor in the storm.


A blush crept up Minjeong's cheeks as she realized how deeply Jimin's words affected her. Was it just relief at having her worries soothed, or was there something more? The question lingered in the back of her mind, a seed waiting to be planted.


Jimin smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Now,” she said, her voice back to its usual playful lilt, “how about some ice cream and a bad rom-com marathon? Let’s drown all those sorrows with some sweets and cheesy movies.”


Minjeong couldn't help but smile back, a genuine one this time. “God, you’re such a loser..” She teased.



The alarm seemed to echo around Minjeong’s room as she realized she had fallen asleep while reminiscing how she came to terms with her feelings with Jimin. She has always seen Jimin as someone who was reliable, someone she wanted to have constantly in her life but not once had she questioned if there was something more to it until the first time Minjeong had called Jimin late at night. Suddenly she became aware of everything that was happening around them. 


Jimin’s touches, Jimin’s words, Jimin’s actions, it always left Minjeong in a questioning state. Minjeong felt like she was losing it as she wasn’t even sure if Jimin was into girls. Overtime, Minjeong somehow got used to this side of Jimin and brushed it off thinking that maybe Jimin is always like this to her friends. 


With what happened the previous night, Jimin saying that if the person that had a crush on her was someone who she cared for deeply, she wouldn’t mind giving things a try was what pushed Minjeong back to her series of what ifs.


Minjeong worried what could happen the following days, she wondered if something would change between the two of them but because of the whirlwind of studying for Minjeong, it seemed to escape her thoughts for a second as exams loomed. However, she would be lying if there wasn’t a new layer of distraction now. Every glance towards Jimin in their shared classes, every shared joke, held a different weight. Minjeong found herself stealing glances at Jimin's lips, wondering if the spark she saw was real.


Jimin, as annoying as it sounded, seemed oblivious. She continued her usual routine of caring gestures and playful teasing, completely unaware of the storm she'd brewed within Minjeong. This both frustrated and relieved Minjeong. Frustrated because she craved a sign, a hint that Jimin felt the same. Relieved because if Jimin didn't feel the same way, then confessing would risk ruining their precious friendship.




Everything seemed to pass by like a timelapse as it had been the last day of Minjeong’s exams. The last day being her most hated, as she exhaled heavily. There were two reasons for her dread, the said exams and her plans of confessing to Jimin. She knew that she needed to set things clearly to ease her poor heart, she wanted to know where she stood. So she swore, when exams finally end she’s going to ask Jimin.


“You got this, Minjeong.” She reassured herself as she stood outside the exam room. She studied hard for this, she spent countless nights staying up just to ace her exams. She’s quite confident this time as Jimin has always been by her side. The older girl would often sleep over at her place just so she could monitor Minjeong if the girl needed rest. There weren’t enough words for Minjeong to say just how grateful she was for Jimin. 


“Yeah, you got this.” A voice beside her said, followed with a gentle nudge. Minjeong turned to look at the voice she recognized way too well. “Jimin unnie, can you promise me something?” 


When Jimin turns to look at Minjeong, the younger girl inhales deeply, “when exams are finally over, can we talk about something?” 


Jimin's brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of concern crossing her features. Exams had been a stressful time for both of them, and Jimin wasn't sure what Minjeong might need to talk about. “Of course, Minjeongie,” she said softly, her hand instinctively reaching out to squeeze Minjeong's shoulder reassuringly, “but why after our exams?”


Minjeong smiled softly before shrugging, “you’ll see.” She winked as she first entered the exam room, leaving Jimin in a blushing mess.


As soon as the instructor had told them that they could flip their papers to start answering, Minjeong swore that she not once in her life felt this confident in her exams as she recalled perfectly everything she had studied. Her mind does drift from time to time to a certain loser, but she ends up having to remind herself that now was not the right time to do so. All her hard work had paid off as she almost felt like bursting into tears with the fact that she didn’t feel like she was being chased after the time and that she didn’t feel the need to close her eyes and sigh in frustration.


She knows that she has to give herself credit too, but she also knows that she owes Jimin quite a lot, from having her teach Minjeong to just being there for her. 


Jimin’s consistent, “don’t worry, I’m here.”s always worked like a mantra, like a manifestation that came to life as true to her words, Jimin was always there. Always there during her ups and downs, which at some point made Minjeong fear that it would push the raven head away but it never did. It pulled Jimin closer even.


As soon as she put down her pen, the bell rang. Exams were finally over. She sighed in relief when she had finished just in time as she stood up to pass her papers. 


“I think I flunked my exams.” The shorter girl chuckled when suddenly the taller of the two had appeared by her side, “really? Isn’t this your favorite subject?” Minjeong teased, this made Jimin pout as she crossed her arms. “Hey, just because it’s my favorite that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with it.”


Minjeong playfully rolled her eyes as she nodded her head, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you would get the highest score for this subject,” she turned to look at Jimin with a playful grin on her features, her arm slightly struggling to wrap around Jimin’s shoulders, “don’t worry, I won’t hold grudges. It’s you after all.” 


Jimin pouted playfully, swatting at Minjeong's arm. “You're such a meanie.” She grumbled, this made Minjeong giggle before locking arms with Jimin.


As they walked out of the exam hall, the weight of Minjeong's earlier words settled heavily on Jimin. “So,” Jimin began hesitantly, “what did you want to talk about after exams?”


Minjeong hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. Now was the moment, but the familiar fear of rejection threatened to choke her words. “It's, uh,” she stammered, “it's nothing major. Just something that's been on my mind lately.”


The hesitation in her tone wasn’t hard to catch, as Jimin stopped walking completely. This wasn't the carefree Minjeong she knew. “Is everything okay?” She asked, her voice laced with concern.


“Yeah, I'm fine,” Minjeong mumbled, forcing a smile. “Just– tired from exams, you know? Maybe we should celebrate surviving this nightmare first, then we can talk."


Relief washed over Jimin, perhaps she was thinking too hard but it turns out that maybe Minjeong was just stressed. “Sounds perfect,” she agreed, her usual cheerfulness returning. “How about we grab some ice cream and a movie marathon at your place tonight?”


Minjeong's heart sank. A movie night wasn’t what Minjeong needed because the thought of postponing the conversation filled her with dread. Taking a deep breath, she decided on a compromise.


“Actually,” she began, “I was thinking something a little different. More like dinner, maybe?”


The suggestion surprised Jimin. Dinner dates weren't exactly their style. “Dinner, huh?” she repeated, a playful smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Is Minjeongie finally asking me out?”


Minjeong felt a blush creep up her cheeks, the heat radiating all the way to her ears. “W-well,” she stammered, “I just thought it would be nice. A celebration for surviving exams and all.”


She saw as Jimin’s smile widened as she pulled Minjeong into a tight hug, “is it bad for me to feel this way?” She whispered, Minjeong couldn’t see her expression clearly as the older girl refused to loosen her hold on Minjeong. “What way?” Minjeong squeaked out, as Jimin gripped onto the back of Minjeong’s shirt, “To feel like I want this to be an actual date, you and me– going out on a date not as friends.”


The unexpected hug sent a jolt through Minjeong, momentarily stealing her breath. Jimin's words hung in the air, a bombshell that shattered Minjeong's carefully constructed plans. A date? Did Jimin actually want to go on a date with her? Not just as friends, but as something more?


The warmth of Jimin's embrace was both comforting and terrifying. It confirmed a tiny spark of hope that Minjeong had dared not voice, but it also intensified her fear of rejection. What if this was just a playful moment for Jimin, and Minjeong was misinterpreting everything?


Hesitantly, Minjeong reached up, her hand hovering over Jimin's back. “I, uh,” she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. “I wouldn't mind that.”


Jimin finally pulled back, her eyes searching Minjeong's face. “Really?” she asked, a hint of disbelief in her voice. “You wouldn't mind going on a proper date?” Cupping Minjeong’s face, the younger girl felt her face burning with how close Jimin was that the most she could do was look away as she nodded. 


“I like you, unnie. Why would I mind going on a proper date with you?” Minjeong’s confession had Jimin's eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting as if to speak, but no words came out. Minjeong watched her, her own heart hammering in her chest. Had she ruined everything?


“Y-you like me?” Jimin stammered, her cheeks flushing a rosy pink as if the weather wasn’t enough to make them this red. Minjeong let out a nervous laugh. “Well, yeah,” she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. “A lot, actually. That's why I wanted to talk after exams.”


The surprise on Jimin's face morphed into a mix of emotions– confusion, amusement, and maybe even a hint of something deeper.


“Minjeongie,” Jimin finally began, her voice soft. “This is… a lot to take in.”Minjeong felt a pang of disappointment. “Oh,” she mumbled, looking down at her shoes. “Right. Sorry, I shouldn't have—”


“No, no,” Jimin interrupted gently, placing a hand on Minjeong's shoulder. “It's okay. I just…” She trailed off, her gaze flickering away from Minjeong. “I never thought of you that way—”


Minjeong's stomach clenched. So, were Jimin’s words purely platonic? Just as she was about to pull away, Jimin squeezed her shoulder gently.


“I mean, I never thought of you that way before.” Jimin continued, her voice barely a whisper, she hesitated, her words catching in . “I like you too, Minjeong.” She smiled. “And god, you don’t understand how badly I want to kiss you right now.” Jimin whispered as she leaned close, “why don’t you do that then?” Minjeong challenged, she felt Jimin’s palms cup her cheeks, both could feel each other’s warm breath as Jimin whispered, “I’d be more than willing to.” 


Their first kiss turned out how Minjeong expected it to be. Slow and tender, Jimin cradled her face as if she was worried Minjeong would break if she held her tighter than how she's already doing so. Minjeong on the other hand felt like ice cream under the heat, melting the longer Jimin's plump lips met with hers. 


It was right then and there where Minjeong knew that Jimin's “don’t worry, I'm here.” was seen in a different light as Jimin has always been here all along.

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285 streak #1
Chapter 1: 😭🥰😭🥰
182 streak #2
Chapter 1: Fluff all the way ❤️
taenggo09 #3
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: I crode. Croding rn… SO FREAKING SWEET 😭 thank YOU for this and thank HERA for this 😭😭 my heart is so warm and I loved every part of this. Even though bad days may seem like the end of our lives, there will be light at the end of the tunnel :,))
No_looksies #6
Chapter 1: This was so beautifully written!!! It just warmed me up from the inside and made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy with the fluff and emotions..
Jmj caring and always being there for each other.. Ahhhhh!
Thank you for this author nim!
Chapter 1: nice, light, and fluff ✨
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh! This was beautifully written! 👏🏻
jmjluv #9