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Jimin stopped in front of the storefront, raindrops sliding down the glass, and sighed with regret. “Another failed job interview. Why does everything have to be so difficult?” she wondered, feeling the weight of disappointment settle on her shoulders.


She walked along the wet streets of Seoul, the gray sky reflecting the melancholy that enveloped her spirit. “Maybe this is my fault. Is it punishment for my sins?” she mumbled to herself, tears threatening to surface.


As she walked through the rain-soaked streets, the echoes of her internal struggle resonating with each step. In front of a cozy bookstore, the warm light from inside beckoning her to seek refuge, doubt paralyzed her as she grappled with the conflict between her faith and her identity. 


“I've tried my best, but I can't change what I feel. Why does love have to be a sin?” she reflected softly, her words barely audible over the murmur of the rain.


As she pushed open the door, a small bell chimed, announcing her arrival. Inside, she discovered a girl around her age, arranging books on one of the shelves. Jimin greeted in a subdued tone, “Good morning.”


The girl looked up, letting out a small, high-pitched yelp, “Ah! Hi!!” She greeted energetically. “Welcome! If you need anything, feel free to ask me. I'm Aeri, the owner.”


Jimin offered a faint smile, grateful for the distraction the bookstore might provide from the storm within her. “Thank you, Aeri.”


Jimin, succumbing to her thoughts, approached Aeri with a hint of embarrassment. “Um, excuse me,” she began hesitantly, “do you have any books on religion and homouality?”


Aeri paused her task, meeting Jimin's gaze with a warm understanding. “Of course,” she replied, her tone gentle. “We have a few titles in that section. Let me show you.”


Leading Jimin to a quiet corner of the store, Aeri pulled out a couple of books from the shelf. “Here are a couple of insightful reads that might resonate with you,” she suggested, placing them in Jimin's hands.


Jimin nodded appreciatively, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability in her eyes. “Thank you, Aeri. It means a lot.”


Aeri smiled, her kindness unwavering. “No problem at all. If you ever want to talk about anything or explore more books, I'm here. No judgments, just a safe space.”


Jimin felt a sense of relief in Aeri's acceptance. “I appreciate that. It's just been a tough day.”


Aeri nodded sympathetically. “I'm here whenever you need. Sometimes, books can be our best companions in navigating through tough times.”


Jimin took a seat in a cozy corner of the bookstore, her fingers tracing the words on the pages of one of the books Aeri had recommended. Lost in thought, she absorbed the perspectives presented in the text. After a while, she looked up, her eyes seeking Aeri's.


Gathering courage, she looked up at the other girl and introduced herself, ‘’By the way, I’m Jimin. Thank you for being understanding and recommending these books. They mean a lot to me.’’


Aeri smiled warmly, appreciating Jimin's openness. ‘’Nice to officially meet you, Jimin. I’m glad I could help. So what do you think of the book so far?’’


Jimin, looked at the book and the at Aeri and, hesitating, answered, “It's… eye-opening… but,  I was reading this part, and it got me thinking… What's your opinion on how religion and… well, being gay, can coexist?’’


Aeri leaned against the counter, a thoughtful look on her face. “It's a complex and personal topic for many. People find their own ways to reconcile their faith and identity. In my opinion, love is a beautiful thing, and it comes in various forms. No one should have to choose between their beliefs and their heart.”


Jimin nodded, appreciating the sincerity in Aeri's response. “I've struggled with it a lot. Feeling like I have to hide parts of myself.”


“You're not alone in that struggle, Jimin. It takes time to find that balance, and everyone's journey is unique. What matters most is being true to yourself.”


Jimin smiled faintly. “Thank you, Aeri. Your words mean a lot.”


“Anytime, Jimin. Books have a way of opening our minds and hearts. If you ever want to talk more or explore different perspectives, I'm here for you.”





The days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Jimin became a regular at Aeri's bookstore. More than just a customer, she evolved into a welcomed friend. The two girls often spent afternoons engrossed in conversations about books and their personal lives.


Jimin experienced a surge of warmth and anticipation every time she approached Aeri's bookstore. The familiar creak of the door and the comforting scent of books welcomed her into a world where she felt understood. As she stepped inside, a sense of belonging washed over her, lifting the weight of the world from her shoulders.


In the company of Aeri, each conversation felt like a breath of fresh air. The shared laughter and thoughtful discussions created an atmosphere of acceptance, erasing any remnants of doubt or loneliness. The bookstore transformed into a haven, a place where Jimin's authentic self was not only accepted but celebrated.


The positive emotions Jimin felt were like rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds of uncertainty. The friendship with Aeri became a source of joy and inspiration, a sanctuary where Jimin could explore her thoughts, share her experiences, and revel in the simple pleasure of being truly understood. Each visit to the bookstore became a reminder that genuine connections have the power to illuminate even the darkest corners of the soul.





One September afternoon, Jimin rushed into Aeri's bookstore, bursting with excitement. She carried the most thrilling news she could have imagined – Jimin was no longer unemployed!


“Guess what, Aeri?” Jimin exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. “I landed a job! Maybe not my dream job, but I'm now a cashier at a convenience store.”


Aeri's eyes lit up with genuine happiness for her friend. “That's fantastic, Jimin! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.”


As they stood amidst the shelves, Jimin continued to share the details of her newfound employment. The challenges, the adjustments, and the anticipation of a steady income filled their conversation.


Aeri, always supportive, chimed in, “You know, Jimin, if you want, I can accompany you on the first few days until you get the hang of things. It might make the transition smoother for you.”


Jimin felt a rush of gratitude and warmth at Aeri's offer. Her heart quickened at the thought of having her friend by her side during this new chapter.


“You'd do that for me?” Jimin asked, a mixture of surprise and appreciation in her voice.


“Of course!” Aeri responded with a reassuring smile. “Friends help each other through new beginnings. Besides, it'll be fun!”


Jimin couldn't help but smile back, feeling a profound sense of support. Yet, in the depths of her mind, that nagging monster whispered that Aeri would never see her beyond friendship.


As Aeri inquired about Jimin's shift hours, Jimin replied that she'd be working from 11 pm to 6 am, starting tonight. Aeri's surprise was evident, but she still extended an invitation for dinner.


“You're working the night shift?” Aeri asked, eyebrows raised. “That's quite late! How about dinner before you head to the store?”


Jimin, enthusiastic, replied, “I'd love that!”


With a radiant smile, Aeri responded, “It's a date then, babe!”


Jimin blushed deeply, feeling a rush of butterflies and hearing her heart pounding in her ears once again. The casual yet affectionate use of the word “babe” sent a thrill through her, sparking a mix of excitement and uncertainty.


As they made plans for dinner, Jimin couldn't shake the conflicting emotions within her. The warmth of Aeri's friendship clashed with the persistent doubts that lingered in her mind. Yet, at that moment, as they set a date for dinner, Jimin allowed herself to revel in the joy and anticipation, eager to discover what the night would bring.

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